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10 Best Home Workout Equipment in 2020

A gym created at home is an excellent solution for those who care about themselves and their health but do not have enough free time to visit a fitness club. Moreover, the prices for subscriptions to visit clubs are not acceptable to everyone, while the acquired simulators for home installation will pay off pretty quickly.

Which Simulator Is Suitable For You

Most often, users prefer compact and multi-functional sports equipment for the home, which you can choose with the help of bowflex treadclimber reviews, which is optimally suited for use in tight spaces. Therefore, it is recommended to choose it taking the following criteria into account:

Under these conditions, such equipment for doing sports at home as horizontal bars, benches, racks, hyperextensions are just a catch. If you plan to do workouts with weights (dumbbells or barbell), you need to consider the floor sound insulation. To do this, you can use a carpet with a thickened base or purchase special rubber mats. Such a way you can avoid floor damage.

What to Choose from

Choosing models for home use should start after setting specific goals that you want to achieve during training.

1. Elliptical trainers

A great option to maintain the body in shape, which does not cause unnatural sensations. And the best part is that such a simulator can be easily installed at home, the main thing is to know what to look for before buying. For many people, money is the most important factor when buying any equipment for a home gym. Elliptical trainers cost a lot, but it probably will not be difficult to find the best option, depending on your budget and needs. If you have recently undergone any kind of ankle arthritis surgery, it’s a good idea to start out with low-intensity elliptical trainer exercises, so you can ease yourself into it.

2. TRX

Sports equipment for hanging training with your own weight. These are two slings with loops for arms and legs. You just need to hang it and you have a universal simulator ready. TRX loop training was developed in the United States to train special forces, so it will definitely help you reach your goal.

3. Medicine ball

A fairly cheap simulator that does not take up much space, and therefore it can be stored even in a small room. The standard weight of the medball is from 1 to 11 kg, but there are heavier options: 50, 60 and even 75 kg. The surface is usually made of dense rough rubber, which does not let the medball slip out. Internal filling, as a rule, consists of sawdust, sand or a special gel.

4. Muscle massage roller

It is used for self-massage helping relieve tension and relax muscles. Most experts claim that this is one of the most important sports equipment. The roller helps to relax muscles, improve blood circulation and get rid of pain after intense training. To use it, you just need to lie on it and roll the desired zone, pressing on the roller with your weight. This is an essential item if you really train often, give a big load to the muscles and suffer from pain after training. The roller will also be useful to those who do not often go in for sports, but suffer from back pain or want to improve joint mobility.

5. Weights

Usually, weights are used for additional load during exercise. These can be weights for legs (0.5–10 kg), for hands (0.5–2 kg), for the waist (3–21 kg), vests (4–64 kg), and even weighs gloves. The weight is not regulated due to special sand in cheaper options. A more expensive and high-quality one is plate weighting agents, the weight of which can be adjusted by adding special plates (the weight of one plate is 50-400 g). You can do standard exercises with weights, run and even swim. In this case, the movements should be smooth. In any case, if you're preparing to lift heavy weights, you better have on hand all the equipment that's required. Put your physical health always first and include a resistant belt, a good barbel collar, and finally, the right shoes and the best  wrist wraps out there. All these, combined with a good technique, will boost your results in unimagined ways

6. Fitball

A large elastic ball used for aerobics. It also helps to diversify home workouts, because there are lots of exercises for any part of the body. Fitball also does not require much space in the apartment, and if it is blown away after each training session, then you can place it in a small corner in the closet. The con, of course, is that it will have to be inflated before training, and this takes time. Exercises with this ball do not harm the back, but rather strengthen it. So even people with spinal injuries can use it. Fitball develops coordination, helps you balance and hold on unstable surfaces.

7. Classic dumbbell

Their weight does not change. Therefore, to adjust weights, it is better to buy a set with different weight categories. A cheaper option is collapsible dumbbells, which make it possible to adjust the weight by adding or removing disks.

8. Rubber loops and fitness bands

This is another  jons guide sports equipment that lets you diversify and improve home workouts or workouts in the gym. These are elastic latex tapes which you can do strength exercises with or complicate exercises with your own weight. With their help, you can work out the entire muscle group and tone the body without bulky exercise machines. They take up very little space, unlike the same dumbbell or weights, so you can exercise with them at home. They are very light, so it’s also easy to take them to the gym. Rubber loops have different resistance levels, so you can choose the one that suits you.

9.  Sandbag

Sports equipment that fits perfectly with the home gym concept. Its weight ranges from 10 to 100 kg, and you can change it yourself buying special filler or simply going to the nearest beach for sand. The main pro is that the sand inside is constantly moving and you have to make all the body muscles work to stabilize the position of the body.

10. Expander

A sports item that helps to work out muscles compressing and stretching them. There are a huge number of expanders (carpal, shoulder, tubular, tourniquets, butterflies and multi-functional ones), but let’s focus on one of the simplest and most universal ones — a tourniquet and tape-expanders. It is better to work out the hands’ muscles with a tourniquet, and the tape is perfect for working on the legs.

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