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10 Things You Should Know About Dating Canadian Women

Dating a Canadian girl is usually a very special experience. Yes, they are a developed country like most others in the West, and yes, they are very similar to their American neighbors in many ways. Yet, there are multiple pretty unique differences between Canadians and Americans or Europeans that set them apart. So, if you’re thinking of dating a Canadian lady, here are the 10 things you should know about dating Canadian women. 

1. Canadian women are quite diverse

Like other modern developed countries, Canada is incredibly ethnically diverse – much more so than most others. Thanks to their immigration policies, Canada is home of numerous different ethnicities – all Canadian, and all with their own unique cultural traditions and specifics.

To throw some numbers at you, as of a couple of years ago, 15.6% identify as Canadians, 14.7% as English-Canadians, 12.1% as Scottish, another 12.1% as Irish, 11% as French, 8.1% as German, 4.7% as Chinese, 4.3% as Italian, 3.7% as Indian, 3.5% as Ukrainian, and about 3.1% as First Nations or Métis (part First Nations, part European).

So, when talking about dating a Canadian woman, there can be a pretty significant difference between dating a French Canadian, a Chinese Canadian, and an English Canadian girl. Yet – and that’s the beauty of Canada – in most other ways we’ll mention below – all of these girls are very much Canadian too.

2. Canadian girls tend to have an awesome sense of humor

Adversity often breeds a good sense of humor, and living in the frigid far north does just that for a lot of Canadians. So, if you like girls who won’t just laugh at your jokes but will fire back with jokes of their own – often pretty spicy ones too – you’ll feel right at home in Canada.

3. They often like to cook

When the weather outside is frightful, it’s only natural that many people start developing delightful cooking skills. Yes, food deliveries are a thing in Canada too, but when there are nine cold months in the year, you can’t really get food deliveries every single day. So, many Canadians simply learn to cook. This can sound like we’re talking about some “lost art” Canadians are rediscovering, but it’s well-known that fewer and fewer Americans really bother learning how to cook anything beyond the most basic recipes.

So, if you’ve always wanted a wife who knows how to cook well, you don’t necessarily need to get a mail order bride from sites like – you can just hop across the border and try dating a Canadian girl.

4. They can be quite laid back

Canadians have a reputation of being pretty down to earth, and that applies for most Canadian women too. This doesn’t mean they aren’t passionate about things or can’t get excited or distressed about things, but it is a general laid-backness that is just on most of the time.

5. A rejection from a Canadian girl is often extremely polite

Canadians are famous as incredibly polite people. This isn’t always true, of course, Canadians can be impolite and rude like the rest of us. However, there is a tendancy to try to be polite in most social situations. This is especially true for women, who are generally the more sensible and polite gender in most countries anyway.

While great on its own, this can have an unintended consequence – Canadian women are often so polite when rejecting men’s romantic advances that said rejection often flies over men’s heads. The problem here isn’t in the Canadian women themselves, of course – a rejection is a rejection, and being polite about it is a good thing.

Yet, it’s no secret that men often don’t handle rejection too well. But what’s often glossed over is that men often don’t even understand or recognize it. So, when trying to court a Canadian woman, it’s a good idea to remember that if she is being extra polite or “soft” when rejection you, it’s likely she isn’t just being coy or playing hard to get – she probably is quite serious about the rejection, she is just being polite about it.   

6. They like traveling abroad much more than American ladies do

Unlike their southern cousins, most Canadians absolutely love traveling abroad. This is understandable – while the US spans various climate zones and has everything from scorching deserts to snowy mountains, Canada pretty much only has the latter. So, unlike Americans who can get all their traveling needs satisfied “in-house,” Canadian women do love traveling abroad.  

7. You might want to skip most of the American jokes about Canada

That good sense of humor we said Canadian women have? This doesn’t mean they’ll enjoy your “Canadians sure are polite, EH?” jokes. In fact, it means they have heard it a thousand times before and prefer much smarter jokes that aren’t so worn out.

8. Canadian ladies can be very stylish

When you live in the frozen north, you often learn to get the most out of your personal fashion and of your home’s interior to compensate for the winter coats and boots you have to wear everywhere. This is pretty much why most Canadian women look incredibly stylish once that winter coat comes off.

9. Many Canadian girls know their draft beers

Beer culture is big in Canada, and most Canadian beer drinkers have much more refined tastes than their Bud Light-drinking neighbors to the south. This applies to Canadian women too. Not only do many of them enjoy drinking the occasional draft beer, but even most Canadian ladies who don’t partake still know the different brands, tastes, and specifics of draft beers.

Why is this important for your dating efforts? Mostly because a lot of Canadian girls can be a tad dismissive to men who don’t know their Brown Ale from their Molson Canadian from their Big Rock Traditional Ale. So, it might be worth it to do your research.

10. Even the most indoorsy Canadian girls love spending time outside when the weather’s right

Some people are naturally more homey and introverted, while others are more extroverted and outdoorsy. This is true all around the world, and it’s also true in Canada. However, there is a peculiarity that applies to Canada, as well as most Northern European nations, and it’s that even most of the especially indoorsy Canadian girls are still very enthusiastic about going out and doing various outdoor activities in the summer.

The reason is simple – when you live so far up north where most of the year is freezing cold, you really learn to appreciate the summer and the opportunities it provides.


Naturally, while all ten of these points do apply in most cases, it’s important not to paint Canadian girls with too broad of a brush. There are always exceptions, and there are always individual differences – some Canadian women will have a stronger sense of humor, others will hate beer, some won’t like to cook, and others will be incredibly indoorsy. So, it’s best to consider the ten points above as rough guidelines and just things to consider or probe at, not as hard rules that are always correct. 

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