4 Tips for Building a Sustainable Workout Regime
It’s exciting to start a new fitness plan and think about how healthy and well you’ll get to be with the right exercise, diet, and bodybuilding supplements from Flexpharma. However, sometimes setting the regimen in place and then sticking to it is the trickiest thing. Let’s look at four ways in which you can build a sustainable workout regime that you’ll stick to and get results from.
Set some SMART goals
It begins with thinking about your goals, what you want to achieve, and making them realistic. From losing a few pounds of weight to toning up or really setting your sights on some specific bodybuilding targets, putting some SMART goals in place helps. SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound and they can really help you on your way to achieving the things you need to when bodybuilding or simply toning up.
Hear what your body is telling you
Training is key, but so is resting and keeping a check on your body. Listen to what it tells you and if your muscles and bones say ‘no more’ heed that warning and take a rest.
Never ignore fatigue, pain, or injuries, no matter how small they seem to be. If you push yourself to fight through tiredness or discomfort, then you’ll pay a high price later on with injuries that take longer to recover from and mental and physical burnout.
Remember it’s all about balance
Everything in life is all about balance and this applies to your fitness regime too. Never dive in all guns blazing with the highest impact regime possible. Not only will this wear you out too quickly, but you’re more likely to get injured or get too tired to carry on when it burns you out. You’ll then feel defeated and give up, which is not what we want.
Ease into a workout plan with attainable goals every day, and gradually ramp up how intense they get. That way you’ll see measurable results and be able to track your progress much more consistently.
Stay consistent
Lastly, stay consistent. Set times for exercise every day and stick to them – as regular as your work diary. If you miss a session, don’t beat yourself up for it, or do extra on your next to make up for the missed time, but make sure you stick to a routine as much as possible. It’ll give you something to look forward to, a goal to work toward every day, and regular exercise will help reduce your stress levels too.
The same goes for your diet and supplement taking. Ensure you get the right foods, vitamins, and minerals at set times every day to avoid feeling overly hungry or getting blood sugar crashes which can harm how well you perform when you exercise.
Within this, there does have to be some flexibility. Life happens, we get it! Adapt your training accordingly and try not to worry about it too much. If you go for a meal out, enjoy it and don’t train extra hard to ‘make up for it’.
Setting SMART goals, staying flexible, and listening to your body is key to building a successful, sustainable workout regime that works for you and your ultimate bodybuilding plans
Photo: Bruno Nascimento, Unsplash