There’s nothing like the new year to bring about resolutions to be healthier. According to research from last year’s New Year’s resolutions, about 71 percent said that their top goal for the 2019 was to diet, eat healthier, exercise more, or lose weight.
Unfortunately, only about 10 per cent of those who set a New Year’s resolution keep it. Many hit the gym and buy all the nutritional food in January and February but lose the will to continue around March.
If you’re seeking to get healthier, for the new year, set goals you’re excited about so you’re motivated to keep them. Here are nine ways you can increase health and wellness in 2020.
1. Finally Try CBD
One of the most impactful health trends of 2018 and 2019 is the consumption of CBD softgel capsules, CBD oil tinctures, gummies with CBD, and other products. This trend will clearly continue in 2020. CBD users love the way CBD takes the edge off of a variety of mental and physical health problems including, but not limited to:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Sleep problems
- Acne
- Eczema
- Pain
- Inflammation
CBD may also have a number of health benefits related to more serious and long-term health problems. It can treat symptoms of, prevent the occurrence of, or delay the onset of the following serious health problems:
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Psychosis
- Addiction
- Diabetes
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Epilepsy
- Parkinson’s disease
- Glaucoma
- Huntington’s disease
Research on the actual effectiveness of CBD on any of these symptoms or illnesses is still underway, but there has been no evidence of harmful effects. You can start your year out right with a healthy dose of CBD.
2. Purchase a Reusable Water Bottle
Most people don’t drink enough water, yet it’s an essential component of a healthy mind and body. Consuming the right amount of water (usually around half of your body weight in ounces) promotes greater focus, digestion, energy levels, and a desire to do healthier things like exercise and eat healthy foods.
If you’re drinking more soda, coffee, juice, or other beverage that’s loaded with sugar and other additives, replace some of those daily drinks with water. You can take a reusable water bottle anywhere, so you remember to drink more water.
3. Buy a Fitness Tracker
The fitness tracker trend isn’t a passing phase. There are many benefits to owning a fitness tracker including monitoring your heart rate to detect potential health problems, your sleep, how many steps you take, how many calories you burn, and more. Most interconnected trackers connect to any smartphone to give you detailed reports and health recommendations.
If you don’t feel the need to buy an integrated fitness tracker, just buy a simple pedometer to put in your pocket, wear around your neck, or put on your wrist. You can challenge yourself daily to reach a certain number of steps, which means you’ll get more exercise just going about your daily activities.
4. Make Travel Plans
Caring for your health in 2020 is about more than just physical goals. Pay attention to your mental needs and take a vacation. According to research, travel is one of the best medicines for stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.
Experts agree that traveling is also great for personal motivation. It gives you time to reflect on your current life goals and how you’re reaching them. If you think about it, many big-name executives report quitting their day job to pursue the career they’re in now while they were on vacation. Something about the happiness and satisfaction of being on vacation makes people realize their full potential and set goals to do something about it.
5. Take a Cooking Class
Eating out in America is getting more and more unhealthy, despite many restaurants and eateries that are focused on low calories, few preservatives, less sugar, and all the best ingredients. If you’re eating out several times per week, you’re not only indulging in unnecessary spending but also increasing bad eating habits.
Remedy that problem by signing up for a cooking class. Learn how to cook and have fun doing it so that you’re more motivated to do it more often. You could also sign up for meal kits like Hello Fresh or Freshly that have all the healthy ingredients and detailed cooking instructions inside to help you succeed in the kitchen.
6. Go Out More
A big part of mental health is feeding your brain’s need for social interaction. If you’re an introvert, you might set a goal to say “yes” to social activities more often. It doesn’t have to be a nightly occurrence, and you don’t have to go to bars or other crowded locations. Just get together with a friend at least once per week and get out of the house.
7. Drink Less Alcohol
Alcohol is expensive, loaded with calories, and not always necessary. Many people don’t realize a single can of beer has more than 150 calories. Even light beer is calorie dense at 100 calories per 12 oz.
Other drinks are also calorie dense, especially fruity cocktails and other drinks loaded with sugars and additives. A single drink might not be overkill, but when you’ve thrown back a few with friends, the calories quickly add up. Besides that, your judgement is impaired, and it can lead to mental health problems later on. Cutting back is a great way to improve your mental and physical health throughout the year.
8. Try a Gluten Free Diet
It’s true that gluten-free diets are somewhat trendy, but there’s something to them. For many people, eliminating gluten has been the key to increasing energy levels, dropping the excess weight, and feeling better overall. Many people report improved digestive issues and even less joint pain when their diet excludes gluten, even if they haven’t been diagnosed with Celiac disease.
Eliminating gluten isn’t easy, but it’s a burgeoning health market with new options every day. You can still have pastas, bread, cookies, and other goodies as long as you shop gluten-free varieties, and this decision may be exactly what you need to kickstart a healthier year.
9. Get an Accountability Partner
Whether you’re trying to get fit at the gym, working on a new diet, or trying to cut back on a certain food group, having someone to keep you accountable can help. There’s something about knowing that someone is depending on you helps you keep your commitment.
Choose the right partner to keep you accountable. If you choose someone who easily forgives if you miss a workout or whatever, you’ll fall off the bandwagon too soon. Additionally, if you choose a drill sergeant, you’re likely to damage a relationship or feel so bad about your performance that you give up. Select a partner who will lovingly push you to keep going but won’t give in easily. This is key to keeping your resolutions in 2020 and beyond.