Activities for you & your kids during self-isolation
Nowadays, when staying in a self-quarantine is highly recommended, getting enough food (and apparently toilet paper) is not the only challenge parents are dealing with. Those with kids know that keeping their little ones occupied is very important, otherwise, all hell can easily break loose. Although coming up with new forms of entertainment can seem like a problem, there are so many things you can do with your children in isolation. If you wish to stop your kids from staring at their phones or Netflix the whole day, here are a couple of activities you can try.
Get a little culture
Just because you and your family are confined to your home, there is no reason why you cannot teach your little ones a thing or two about the world around us. In fact, thanks to Google, your loved ones can easily visit some of the most popular museums and galleries across the world without even leaving the house. All you need is a good Internet connection and you can stroll through the British Museum in London, check out the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, see what is happening in the Guggenheim in New York City, or take a tour around the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. Learning new things about art, history, and science is always a time well spent so use this quarantine to teach your little ones something new.
Even though you are stuck in your house you can get your body ready for the beach! There are so many free workout sessions available online, you just need to take your pick. Regardless of whether you have a home rowing machine, weights, dumbbells and other pieces of exercise equipment or not, you can find suitable tutorials that will help you stay in shape. Take advantage of this opportunity and get your children moving as well. Find interesting and fun exercise videos on YouTube that will get them dancing, jumping and working out and keep them away from electronics.
Spend time in nature
Just because you are in isolation doesn’t mean you cannot enjoy the great outdoors. The only important thing is to distance yourself (and your loved ones) from other people, so go someplace you won’t run into anybody else. Take a hike through the forest, go for a family bike ride or find a meadow where you can have a picnic or throw the Frisbee. Spending time in the fresh air will benefit everyone, so even if nature exploring is not an option, sit outside on the porch or on your balcony with your family.
Train the family dog
Do you have a four-legged member of the family that still doesn’t know to sit and stay? If so, use this time to teach your pet how to behave like a good boy/girl. In case your dog already has great manners, you can move onto more complex tricks such as rolling over and playing dead.
FaceTime family members
Now that your kids are not able to spend time with their grandparents, use video chat to connect with family while practicing social distancing. This way not only will you keep your children occupied, but you will give your parents or in-laws something to look forward to.
Make your own play dough
You do not need to run to a store to get new toys for your little ones when you can make them yourself. Kids love playing with play dough, so why not use flour, salt, water, oil, and food coloring to make it in your own kitchen? It is hard to decide whether your children will have more fun helping you with the whole process or playing with this colorful dough afterward.
With these simple activities your quarantine will become far more bearable, so use this time to create fun memories with your family.
Photo: Brina Blum on Unsplash