Air Canada announces that flights to Martinique have finally resumed!
ABOVE: A view of Mount Pelée, Martinique. (Photo: Tropixphoto)
The skies of Martinique have reopened for Canadian sun seekers. The French offshore territory is a popular winter destination for Quebecers but the food and culture should be experienced by all. More than simply a beach destination, the island country has a wonderful Euro-Carib vide that is unlike other islands in the West Indies.
Air Canada has resumed it flights to the Isle of Flowers and is now offering weekly direct flights from Montreal to the capital, Fort-de-France. As of December 2021 the non-stop flights will be increased to five per week.
“We are delighted to come back to Martinique ” stated Alexandre Lefèvre, Air Canada’s Senior Director network planification. “As much as Martinique is a popular sun destination for Quebecers, Quebec is an appealing destination for Martinicans looking for leisure, high education, and business opportunities. This strategic route will be operated up to five times a week on a new generation Boeing-737 aircraft. We are looking forward to welcoming you on board.”
Covid regulations and what to expect
Fully vaccinated visitors must apply for a French vaccination passport before leaving home and present a negative PCR test (72 hours or less) or antigen test (48 hours or less) prior boarding. Non-vaccinated people or with an incomplete vaccination status must comply with the following obligations:
– Negative PCR test (72 hours or less) or negative antigen test (48 hours or less) prior boarding
– Compelling reason (personal, professional, family, sanitary and/or urgent matter)
– 7-days of self isolation when arriving and mandatory COVID test after
For its part, Air Canada implemented its CleanCare+ program in May 2020 that allows for passengers and crew to travel in a safe environment. The protocols include:
– Customer face-coverings and employee
– Personal Protective Equipment now mandatory
– Personal care kits containing disinfectant and safety items
– Electrostatic cabin spraying to reinforce aircraft grooming protocols
– Revised food product minimizing crew and passenger contact
The Air Canada website is home to a highly useful tool for travellers. Visit the site for up-to-date government entry requirements and COVID-19 measures for any destination.
OLM visited Martinique in 2015. Read all about it by clicking here.