Alpha Art Gallery showcases strong, female, Canadian artists
Tina Cartier
A visual artist from Montréal, Tina Cartier is inspired by street art and pop culture. Cartier treats the female portrait in a provocative, assertive and sensual way, playing with the thought of redefining the role of women in today's society. Her inspiration is derived from the streets, allowing for a certain vulgarity and delinquency to forget the pure, the beautiful and the clean. She exploits a variety of mediums including paint, pastel, pencil and ink aerosol. Cartier is even known for integrating three-dimensional elements into her artwork to exaggerate the visual information.
The Alpha Art Gallery is located at 531 Sussex Drive in Ottawa. For more information, please visit alphaartgallery.ca or contact Edit Betkowski at edith@alphaartgallery.ca.