Best DC supervillains of all time
DC Comics and DC Cinematic Universe (DCEU) have become more and more popular in recent years. However, the reason will surely come to you as a surprise.
With Superman and Batman being the two most iconic heroes of the DC Universe, it isn’t surprising that their archnemesis such as Joker, Lex Luthor, Darkseid, and many more villains contribute to the rise and popularity of this universe.
Needless to say that the success of the live-action Joker representation, mainly in The Dark Knight Trilogy, inspired many writers to create solo Joker comic book series. Joining him are two other big baddies Deathstroke and Black Manta, with their own solo comic book series.
In November, DC Comics is publishing Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant #1, which will see several iconic supervillains associated with the bat family. So you see, it’s good to be bad sometimes.
Say what you will about the DC Cinematic Universe with their unconventional and sometimes complex DC movies order. Still, there’s no denying that this universe is filled with some of the best baddies that have their charisma, impact, and charm over the storyline.
So let’s take a look at some of the best DC supervillains of all time.
Lex Luthor
At the top spot, we have the godfather of the supervillains in the DC Universe, Superman’s greatest rival “Lex Luthor.”
Lex Luthor’s confidence and intelligence are unmatched when playing the role of a corrupt politician, businessman, or mad scientist.
Needless to say that he is selfish. Where a nobleman would use the wealth and resources to give advantage to humankind, Lex Luthor, on the other hand, only uses it to benefit himself.
As long as he sees self-interest, he is willing to aid the world. He is also a member of a DC Universe super-team called Totality. They are a group of super people that protect humanity from various threats. Its other team includes Hawkgirl, Mr. Terrific, Martian Manhunter, Talia al Ghul, and Vandal Savage.
Our 2nd spot best DC supervillain of all time can be easily described in three words: Mayhem, Madness, and Chaos.
Out of all Batman’s villains over the years, Joker has always been the best tool of turmoil. This supervillain has a long, dark, dreadful history with our iconic superhero that will continue for ages.
Joker, on various occasions, has single handedly taken on the entire Justice League and even the whole DC Universe. On rare occasions, he has also fought alongside the cape crusader and even died alongside him.
The things that separate this supervillain from those that came before him are his ability to go farther into the abyss, strike whatever it hurts most, and surrender to absolute evil.
The list wouldn’t be completed without one of the universe’s most fearsome, powerful, and intimidating titans, The Darkseid.
Darkseid has fought against the Justice League and Superman countless times in the DC Universe in search of the anti-life equation.
Invented by Jack Kirby – arguably one of the greatest minds in comic-book history, Darkseid has also gone up against his adversaries on New Genesis, challenged Superman frequently, and started the New 52 comic-book series, holding his ground against the entire Justice League.
We will see a lot more of Darkseid in the 2022 Infinite Frontier event series.
Reverse Flash
The fourth spot on our list has been occupied by none other than the superhero Flash’s archnemesis “The Reverse Flash.”
This cruel and stubborn supervillain with Eobard Thawne is the complete opposite of Flash in every possible way.
He is determined to destroy everything Flash, a.k.a Bareen Allen, has in his universe. His goal is to eradicate Barry Allen’s universe and recreate it in his image. He is rotten to the core and completely despises the fastest man alive.
Eobard Thawne initially murdered Barry Allen’s mother, Nora Allen, and framed his father for the crime. This path leads Barry Allen to become a forensic scientist and obtain the powers of the Flash through an accident.
However, the ability to save his mother and create an alternate timeline in the due process has allowed Flash to reboot DC continuity time and time again, which is called Flashpoint.
Eobard Thawne went on to inspire Hunter Zolomon, a.k.a Zoon, an adversary of Wally West.
You must have heard of the phrase “brain vs. brawn.” Well, if Superman is the brawn, then Brainiac is the brain here.
If we have to explain Brainiac, we would say someone with unparalleled intelligence but with zero sense of compassion, feelings, care, love, and empathy.
He has zero care about any other human living thing. He is inhuman, ruthless, and is in the quest for ultimate knowledge.
We saw Brainiac establish a major platform for relaunching a few important DC Universe titles by assembling a group of heroes and supervillains to fight with each other in the limited edition series No Justice.
Later, he was reconstructed by Lex Luthor’s Legion of Doom and worked alongside them to fuel his purposes.