Best self-defence devices for effective protection
In a perfect world, arming yourself with self-defence devices and tactics would hardly be necessary. Although, when considering the dramatic rise in gender-based violence reports around the globe, every woman should obtain suitable means of self-protection. However, women alone are not the only victims of random violent attacks as home intrusions, car-jackings, and even street robberies affect us all.
When it comes to finding the most effective self-defence devices, many shy away from the idea of firearm ownership as owning a firearm poses a risk. While there’s no predicting the future of firearm laws, self-defence devices are a suitably effective alternative for everyone. If you are not entirely sure what your options are in terms of self-defence weapons and tools, we have compiled this list of the best options to simplify your buyers decision.
Stun Guns / Taser Guns
Stun guns are often referred to as taser guns, and while they require no ammunition, these devices have been around for several years already. While improvements have been made to standard models, you can find a stun gun that is extremely compact, fast charging, and even fashionably trendy. These devices are also available in an assortment of voltage strengths, offering the average consumer a practical choice. However, models with extremely high voltages are still regulated, rendering them unable to injure your attacker fatally. Therefore, stun guns are a perfect alternative to firearms that could ultimately land you in court defending your need to protect yourself in the first place should your attacker be fatally injured.
Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is a self-defence device that has been around for years, and while the formula used has changed slightly, improvements have been made to the device in its entirety. Retailers of pepper spray usually offer accurate line spray function devices as well as broader spray function devices that require far less aim during unfortunate situations. Pepper spray is a suitable solution for drivers who are hoping to ward off ruthless carjackers as the formulation will leave the attacker unable to see for several life-saving minutes. The compact and lightweight design that most modern pepper sprays showcase means you can keep this device on you at all times. Smaller models can be attached to key rings or belt loops while most are perfectly compact enough to carry in a handbag or even in your pocket.
Brass Knuckles
There’s no doubt that brass knuckles are quite intimidating, and they should be considering even one punch could result in a broken jaw and a few missing teeth. However, brass knuckles are not for everyone as some of us are not able to showcase the fast reaction time required to reach for knuckle dusters before launching yourself at your attacker. Although, if you have moderate self-defence training and the ability to neglect hesitance during emergencies, there is a wide variety of brass knuckles on the market that will enable you to protect yourself.
Disguised Knives
It won’t be the best idea to carry a kitchen knife around with you when you are going about your daily responsibilities. However, defence knives such as credit card knives are designed for self-defence. Such blades are easy to carry around, incredibly inconspicuous, and exceptionally useful when it comes to self-defence. Although, if you are lured by the idea of protecting yourself with the help of sharp blades, it is crucial t sign up for self-defence classes that will educate you to store, maintain, and use your weapon safely. Just as firearms pose a risk when not handled correctly, the same can be said for blade weaponry. That said, a pocket knife, keychain flip knife, or credit card knife could ultimately save your life.
Tactical Pens
Some of the best self-defence devices look just like ordinary household items as its disguise is the main feature. The tactical pen in an incredible choice for self-defence as these pens are available with an assortment of features and functions that can range from pull out steel rods t flashlights and flip knives. The tactical pen could be considered the pocket knife of self-defence as an all-rounder creation. Be sure to evaluate the various feature and functions before making a purchase. In addition to assessing the functions, you should also fine-tune your ability to use your chosen tactical pen as you may be somewhat confused at first.
The Flashlight Batten
If you hear an oddly disturbing noise in the middle of the night, you may feel torn between grabbing your trusty baseball bat or reaching for the flashlight. Luckily, self-defence brilliance brings you a merging of these two home defence essentials. The flashlight batten is perfect for investigating odd sounds around the house as they enable you to see and you are armed with a sturdy weapon at the same time. You may find some retailers refer to this self-defence device as a tactical torch or a Strike light.
Arming Yourself With Self-Defence Devices
Kitting yourself out with the best self-defence devices will require a little more than merely purchasing your favoured tools. You will need to know how to use each device properly for maximum effect as a Strikelight won’t help you much if you aren’t able to follow self-defence techniques during an emergency correctly. The same is true for a firearm. Therefore, once you have chosen your selection of self-defence items, you should find suitable training courses to effectively heighten your ability to protect yourself, your family, and your home.
While some may find knuckle dusters and pocket knives perfect, others may prefer the protection that stun guns and pepper spray provide. Regardless of your choice, knowing how to use a device or weapon correctly is essential. When it comes to self-defence, you will need to know how to defend yourself even without them; suggesting that kickboxing and other types of self-defence courses are exceptionally useful. Learning how to react immediately when in danger and uncovering the ability to remain calm will be invaluable in your efforts to protect yourself.
Photo: Nik Shuliahin, Unsplash