Buy medical cannabis online from a pharmacist, not a budtender
Medical cannabis has been legal in Canada for nearly two decades, yet this medicine can’t be purchased over the counter as if it’s Tylenol. As is the case with many other forms of medication, it’s essential to get the right type, which means obtaining it from a qualified source.
For cannabis, patients must obtain it through someone with medical expertise who can assess the patients’ needs against their knowledge of cannabis cultivars and products.
Let’s check out some of the reasons why.
Trusted Medical Advice
Patients can be empowered to make their treatment decisions based on the assessments and recommendations from cannabis-trained pharmacists. These healthcare professionals are well versed in understanding cannabis and the human body. Retail store employees don’t receive any medical training or accreditation, and the Cannabis Act regulations do not permit them to discuss cannabis as medicine.
You can buy medical cannabis in Ontario by registering with a licensed producer, like Medical Cannabis by Shoppers, and submitting a completed medical document signed by a healthcare professional. To access a medical document, speak to a healthcare professional, in person or online, to see if medical cannabis is right for you.
Look for a Cannabis Care Team, a staff of cannabis-trained pharmacists and advisors, to guide patients by selecting the right cultivars and products based on symptoms and current prescriptions and advise on dosages. Knowledgeable budtenders may understand the basics of cannabis, but they are not legally permitted to give medical advice.
Online teams composed of Expert Cannabis Trained Pharmacists and Cannabis Care Advisors will help you create a treatment plan.
Tax Savings and Insurance Coverage
When you buy medical cannabis from a Licensed online Producer, it can be claimed on your income tax. Group health benefits may cover various forms of treatments, including medical cannabis.
Some Licensed Producers also offer discounts to eligible groups, such as seniors or veterans, and they can even bill Veterans Affairs Canada on your behalf, so there aren’t any out-of-pocket expenses. Anybody can submit medical cannabis as an expense in a health spending account.
Look for a Licensed Producer with a wide selection of products and cultivars. It doesn’t help if there’s a vast choice of Indica and Sativa blends, but patients require a specific CBD product. The larger selection there is, the greater the odds that they’ll have the required medication.
The best Licensed Processors stock over 39 brands of cannabis, including a wide range of products and cultivars. Such a vast selection increases the likelihood that they’ll have the right medicine patients need in everything from oils, softgels, oral sprays, topicals, edibles, concentrates, vape pens, cartridges, and of course, dried cannabis.
Nobody has the exact same needs, and nobody reacts to cannabis the same way. Plus, patients may have multiple, complex conditions or symptoms requiring a specific treatment plan. If you need cannabis for medical reasons, be sure to speak to your healthcare practitioner and connect online with a cannabis-trained pharmacist.
Photo: Karolina Grabowska, Pexels