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Canadian women entrepreneurship is developing and growing

Entrepreneurship has been growing quite significantly in the later years. This is true for women's entrepreneurship as well. But this is not just in the later years but through the last decade. This is creating a stronger Canadian economy, better business environments as well as more social and political stability.

A very positive development is happening in Canada these years. More and more Canadian women choose the road of entrepreneurship. It’s becoming easier to be a female entrepreneur for several reasons. But there is no doubt that the growing numbers of female entrepreneurs create a positive spiral that makes it possible for even more women to open their own businesses. This creates supportive female entrepreneurial environments and new funding opportunities.

In the last ten years, there has been an increase of 30 percent of women-owned businesses in Canada. Last year at this time, there were more than 360.000 Canadian women who were self-employed. The last couple of years has generated a larger increase due to the upheavals in the work-life of many Canadians. There were lots of reasons for people to finally leap.

New female environments

The increase in women's businesses is creating new entrepreneurial environments that support this development. This is creating new opportunities for other women to leap into entrepreneurship. It can be very challenging to open one’s own business and decide to take the risk. This is why healthy role models, and a strong community can be defining factors for aspiring entrepreneurs. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, you’re probably having the same considerations yourself.

One of the most important things for any new business is to brand itself appropriately. It is a possibility to create a brand that factors the women's ownership of your business. This is something that you can include in your name and your visual identity. One of the things that are important when starting a new business is the choice of the name. It will be the first impression on your new customers. If you want some inspiration for business names, you can find it on

Funding female entrepreneurship

That there is an increase in women's entrepreneurship is good news for everyone. Research shows that this increase could provide a GDP economic gain of $150 billion. It is a huge factor in building a stronger Canadian economy in the future. This is also something that is reflecting on the possibility to raise funding for women-owned businesses. The culture and circumstances are chance, which means that more Canadian credit unions are supporting women in business

There is no doubt about the fact that more women entrepreneurs in Canada are solely a good thing. It is already creating a stronger business environment as well as more social and political stability. This is why the Federal Government of Canada is continuously funding more programs to inform, educate and inspire women to start their own businesses. Read much more on this development at

PHOTOS: Unsplash


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