Contest: Kick-Off Your Collection with Le pARTy 2016
Photo by David Barbour.
Looking for artwork by regional artists? We have two tickets to the Ottawa Art Gallery’s 20th Le pARTy Art Auction, the spring celebration that may be the best way to get inspiring artworks off the gallery walls and onto your own. Both tickets will go to one lucky winner.
To enter your name into our contest draw, all you have to do is follow or like the Ottawa Art Gallery (on Facebook at ottawaartgallery and on twitter at @OttawaArtG) and use Facebook or Twitter to tell us who your favourite artist is! The artist doesn’t have to be local, or even alive. You can choose anyone from Bernini to Warhol. Make sure to include the hashtag #LepARTy2016 in your post so we can find it and add it to the draw.
You can enter separately on Facebook and Twitter for two chances to win, just make sure to follow/like the Gallery on both networks.
Here’s an example of a tweet that would work perfectly:
The night will feature art from 65 emerging and established artists, and the food will be fantastic. Fantastic culinary artists including Beckta, Sidedoor, Thyme and Again, and Town will be behind the dining, so you know that every bite is going to be scrumptious. Our contest winner will receive regular tickets, priced at $85. Art Lovers Tickets, which give the holder a chance to see and bid on the art an hour early, are $150.
The contest will run from May 2 to the 17th, when we will make the draw and announce the winners. That will give you plenty of time to plan for the auction, which is on June 9th! You can find more information on the event at ottawaartgallery.ca/le-party. For our contest rules, click here.
Good luck and happy collecting!