COVID-19 vs. treadmills, trampolines, and ellipticals: why are sales going up?
With the COVID-19 alarm, everyone locked himself at home. Gyms, swimming pools, yoga studios, and fitness clubs are closed to reduce the risk of infection, so a lot of people suffer from lack of activity in their lives. How to keep yourself fit during these tough times?
Home fitness has been growing visibly in recent months — especially in countries where the government recommended not to leave the house. Since the beginning of it, there has been a big increase in the sales of treadmills, stationary bikes, and different sorts of sports equipment: from discs to elastic bands.
During the first phase, as soon as all the gyms and sports centers got closed, we saw an increase in demand for some products, such as weights and handlebars — those who couldn’t go to the gym needed to train at home. Then the second phase started: those who didn’t exercise felt the need to buy treadmills or stationary bikes.
Treadmills are indeed the bestseller, especially folding treadmills, followed by stationary bikes and ellipticals — even though the latter is somewhat bulky to store, and it requires much more effort to operate.
How Can Physical Exercise Fight Covid-19?
The World Health Organization (WHO) clearly indicates that even in normal times, one should dedicate to physical activity at least 20 minutes every day. In fact, international guidelines recommend spending from 150 to 300 minutes a week on physical exercise to keep yourself healthy.
Living a healthy life means not only a full weight control, and that’s not that easy as it probably seems, but it also has countless benefits for our body, such as:
Immune system boost and consequently decreasing of any chances of contracting viruses and diseases.
Relieve stress and anxiety, which are not the last thing in our minds during this pandemic.
Sleep quality improvement and, as a consequence, our psycho-physical well-being in general. It is a fundamental thing to keep us fresh and healthy.
As for the sources of inspiration on which exercises to do, technology comes in great help. From different websites and videos on Youtube to the countless applications that we can download to our tablets and smartphones.
Why Run on a Treadmill?
Treadmills are safe and convenient. There’s no rain, snow, cold (or coronavirus) that can hold you back. And you, if you don’t want to run in the dark in the morning or evening, hopping on a treadmill, it’s a great alternative, and it doesn’t require a headlamp.
Race Simulation. If you leave in a flat region and need to train for an uphill race, a treadmill allows you to simulate the track with its slope. On some modern treadmills, it’s possible to pre-load the track profile, automatically regulating up and down according to it.
Keeps you in shape. Treadmills are great to keep the body in good shape and decrease stress levels. The number of health benefits coming from regular exercise is hard to underestimate.
Some of the latest models of treadmills are rich in entertainment options and virtual coaching features. They usually come with touchscreen — higher prices correspond to a bigger screen to enjoy training videos even more.
Nowadays, most producers are increasingly using live trainers recorded in gyms or exotic locations, to help win boredom and train at high intensity. If you want to have fun, there are many virtual apps that you can download to play and challenge your friends or other runners around the world.
How to Choose?
For those who usually touch before shopping and do not know how to choose from a myriad of proposals and products, some very similar to each other, detailed and complete buying guides can be extremely useful.
Now that the gyms are closed, home fitness can help you stay fit and relieve the stress and anxiety of this moment. With the global pandemic, the sales of sporting goods and home fitness equipment has increased dramatically. As a result, the web traffic of products review has increased too:
The certainty of finding exactly what you were looking for and being able to compare it with similar models or alternatives is the prerequisite for a positive experience, even for those who normally, by preference or habit, go to a physical store rather than visit a virtual store.?
Deliveries are Safe and Punctual Even in this Emergency Situation
If you’re wondering how long it would take these days to receive the goods ordered, or if the contact with the courier is safe — don’t worry, both delivery and safety are guaranteed.
By current provisions, the movement of goods is also guaranteed — as long as the product is available, it’s usually possible to receive the order in a few days.
E-commerce sites are dealing with the increase in the number of orders made by people encouraged to respect the rules and stay at home.
Also, couriers and mail carriers are provided with disposable gloves and masks and work carefully, recognizing the distance of one meter, delivering the parcel without any physical contact.
How Retail and E-Commerce Trends Will Evolve?
A survey on online sales of consumer products shows an increase of over 80% since the end of February compared to last year.
If due to the COVID-19 outbreak, time seems to have stopped, the trend of home training, on the other hand, has literally gone mad, and e-commerce is growing at an unprecedented rate.
These are very interesting data because they tell us where new consumer interests go, and are new trends that also help companies understand which direction to go to revitalize their business if they suffered a sharp drop caused by the pandemic.
As long as the homes are our world, we can make the most out of this time, to make us ready for when the doors of the gyms reopen and causality comes back to embrace us.
Header image: Anastasiia Chepinska, Unsplash