Cue the Cure!
This time two years ago, Jennifer Mielke and Jennifer Mulligan probably felt like cancer was coming at them from every angle. In August 2013 Mielke found out that a lump in her breast was “indicative of cancer.” A month before that, Mulligan lost her mother to pancreatic cancer.

In the face of all this trauma, they decided to fight back. Later that year they created Vixens Victorious, a non-profit dedicated to raising money for cancer treatment.
“We were friends for 35 years,” Mulligan says, explaining the decision to partner up. “We’ve gone through life together.”
Mulligan proposed a film festival, and that event, Lights! Camera! CURE! is happening October 22. The films they’re showing are decidedly cancer-free.
“We don’t have any with a cancer theme,” Mulligan says. “It’s more about entertainment.”
The closest thing these films have to a theme is that they are often centred around women. In a lot of ways, they’ll help viewers forget about cancer for a night and dig into some different kinds of stories. Many of the films are animated, and some deal with the issues aboriginal Canadians and people who identify as gay, bisexual or transgender are facing today.
One unique film is Alisi Telengut’s Tears of Inge, a hand-painted modern retelling of a Mongolian nomadic story. Trapped girl by Catherine Fordham tells the story of a young woman who becomes stuck in her own wash room after the doorknob falls off. In one of the most interesting animated pieces, Little Goddess, Mother Nature’s daughter plucks Earth out of the sky and uses it like a toy. For a more complete list of films, you can find their lineup here.
The night will also feature snacks, a silent auction and raffle prizes. During the films’ intermission, Ottawa singer/songwriter Ferline Regis will take the stage to keep guests entertained. Funds raised will go to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.
To find out more about the night’s events, check out their website here. Lights!Camera! CURE! will be taking place October 22 at Algonquin Commons Theatre on 1385 Woodroffe Avenue.