Daniel Sharp’s Proto-Poeticism
Daniel Sharp would like to extend to you an invitation to his new exhibition, and his paintings aren’t even finished yet. At least, not in the traditional sense.
Sharp’s exhibition of “Proto-Poetic” paintings is a vision into the veteran artist’s artistic process and development of ideas. The paintings on display are forever to remain in the early stage of formation – hence the word “proto.” With the art pieces existing in an incomplete state, they are meant to be viewed as sounds rather than words, notes rather than tunes; in their simple state, they allude to something more, hint at a greater meaning.
Through geometric and “lyrical” abstraction, Sharp’s artwork explores the everyday, using painting and drawing as a way of meditating on the commonplace.
“[For me], painting’s about sensation, about colour, shape. It is a thrill to do it.” Sharp explains.
Certainly, Sharp’s work currently on display is sensational in the most primal sense of the word. Each work is a singular idea in its infant state, incorporating simple, intentional stylistics to convey emotion and thought. For instance, one wall features eight same-sized paintings on wood panels, each one a variation on the same process. Though each work speaks for itself, Sharp’s exhibition in the Byward Market is arranged so that these art pieces speak to each other.
“Each one is a letter or a sound, and the whole wall makes a poem or a song.” Sharp says.
An Ottawa resident of 35 years, Sharp has long ben a contributor to the Ontario scene. He has directed several art galleries and has served as a program officer and curator for the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs’ art collection. Currently, he is serving as president of Enriched Bread Artists, a diverse collective of Ottawa-based artists whose home studio is located in what used to be a bread factory.
Sharp’s Proto-Poetic Paintings are currently on display at the Ottawa School of Art’s Byward Market Gallery. He is giving an artist talk at the gallery Friday, February 17 at noon.