David Eisenstadt’s Second Book Explores 36 Canadian Musicians
Title: Musicians Under the Radar: 36 Notable Canadian Jewish Performers
Author: David Eisenstadt
Published by: Adhemar Press
ISBN: 9798389145696
Price: $20
After David Eisenstadt’s successful first book, Under the Radar: 30 Notable Canadian Jewish Musicians, he has now returned with his second book, Musicians Under the Radar: 36 Notable Canadian Jewish Performers. With a similar concept, Eisenstadt continues to dive into the historical perspective of Canadian Jewish musicians. His book highlights artists from diverse backgrounds with criteria including Canadians, although not necessarily Canadian-born, Jewish, any genre, any gender, and individuals or groups that are either alive or long gone. This second book is an ideal companion to his first book, as it deals with the same principles and perspectives. Each chapter highlights a different performer, many of whom have faded from the “limelight.”
The precursor to his second book is connected to Eisenstadt having written weekly columns for Community Jewish News. Since the COVID pandemic, he has written about nearly 100 musicians who, in his mind, have fallen under the radar. His goal is to shine a spotlight on these artists and show they all are worthy of being remembered.
One difference his new book brings is that he has added more new artists. So why 36 people this time? What is the significance of this number? Eisenstadt notes that “Jewish tradition holds that the number 36 has had special significance since the beginning of time . . . Mathematically 36 is double 18, which means “life”. . . and this hobby experience of creating articles and books has certainly more than doubly enriched my life.”
Musicians Under the Radar: 36 Notable Canadian Jewish Performers is available on Amazon and can be found on Eisenstadt’s website.
About the Author:
David Eisenstadt is a respected Canadian Public Relations Consultant. One of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)’s first elected Canadian Fellows and the first of two Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) Fellows. Eisenstadt and his wife, Rhoda Eisenstadt, founded The Communications Group Inc. (TCGPR) in Toronto. Eisenstadt graduated from both the University of Calgary and Carleton University and has received several PR industry awards.