Digging for Treasure: The Ottawa Vintage Clothing Show Arrives in Spring
It’s never too early to begin strategizing and preparing for the best deals in town. Vintage shoppers, treasure hunters and pickers will soon get their fill of costume jewelry, Chanel suits and Hermes scarves at the Ottawa Vintage Clothing Show happening in April. For almost 30 years the event has showcased vendors from across Ontario and Quebec selling rare finds at every price range. Now held twice a year in the fall and spring, the show is set for another adrenalin-packed day.
“The original woman who organized the show retired about a year and a half ago”, says Catherine Knoll of Affiliated Showsales who has taken the reigns. “It was always held in the fall which meant the focus was on winter coats and heavier items. Now we’re holding it at a different venue and providing the option for vendors to showcase the lighter end of their clothing spectrum in the spring like wedding and prom dresses.”
Over 50 vendors from a range of cities including Timmins, Toronto and Montreal will all be featured under one roof. Many do not have stores or sell online, so the show provides an opportunity for shoppers to see goods first-hand.
“As far as we know, this is the biggest vintage show in Canada,” said Knoll. “We’re also running a second show in Toronto at their convention centre in the spring.”
Given the immense success of the event, she added that it would grow gradually but always host vendors with specialized, one-of-a-kind items. With a demographic of people aged anywhere from 18 to 60-years-old, the show is easily accessible and still held in Ottawa’s downtown core.
“People want something different and one of a kind,” explained Knoll. “It’s a fun shopping day and we’ve seen some of the same faces throughout the entire day – there are some serious vintage shoppers in this city.”
The Ottawa Vintage Clothing Show takes place on April 13 from 10-5 p.m. For more information and to get a discounted pass, visit www.ottawavintageclothingshow.ca or www.facebook.com/OttawaVintageClothingShow for the latest news. The Ottawa Antique Show featuring vintage products is held on April 5-6 at the Carleton University Field House.