Effective ways to advertise your business
Advertising does not have to cost an arm and a leg. Many small businesses do not have that kind of capital to be able to spend large sums of money on getting their brand everywhere it needs to be to grow their audience. However, there are some cost effective ways to get yourself out there, and you can do it all yourself. Here are a few effective ways you can advertise your business without breaking the bank.
Yes. Stickers. In major cities, you find stickers everywhere. What’s more is that a lot of huge businesses like gyms create stickers for people to put on their water bottles, computers, and bags. Making stickers does not cost that much and it is a fun technique that most people love.
You can find a lot of printing companies that can do cheap round sticker printing, and those stickers can be given out for free. Before long, your stickers will wind up on lamp posts, on people’s cars, and just about everywhere there is a flat surface. When you see your sticker stuck to a mass transit vehicle you will truly know you have made it and your brand is out in the world for all to see.
Social Media
Social media is the number one way to take advantage of free advertising. Social media marketers are experts in using the available tools to grow an audience into the millions. With a few clever hashtags and tagging the right people in a post, you can reach out to just about everyone in the world.
When you create great content that people will love, or source great content that you think people need to see, more users will click onto your page and see what you’re all about. This is great exposure for your product and it is advertising that you didn’t spend a single dollar on, which is what you are looking to accomplish.
Blogging is a great method to get people to come to your site. When you share information and news with people regarding your product, what you do, and your industry, you will gain more followers and you will gain more attention for your company. You can also guest blog on another person’s site, which will bring more people to come to know you and visit your pages.
They say write what you know, and if you are an expert at what you do, then writing a blog will come easy to you and you can spend almost no time creating the post and sending it over to the site where it will be published. People will have the opportunity to see your expertise, and they will be more inclined to follow you and buy from you.
If there is someone in your industry who has a lot of followers and who is doing very well for themselves, collaborate with them in order to get more exposure. You are going to be working anyway, so why not work alongside someone who can help you get ahead. It’s all about who you know, and you may know the right people.
When you work with someone who has a lot of followers, their followers will see you pop up in their videos, on their pages, and in their content, and with no cost to yourself, you will be exposed to millions of new people. Most users are always looking to find a new product or a new page to follow, so when you start gaining all these new followers, you just have to continue to create great content and products for them to love, and the rest will take care of itself.
Business Cards
The old standard of getting your name out there is business cards. Business cards are fun, colorful, and they have all the information about you and what you do that everyone needs to know. Not only can business cards show your picture so people know who you are, but they also can have a link to your site where visitors can see your products, your work, and your brand.
It is the ultimate calling card and it is you and your brand in a tight little package for everyone to enjoy. Business cards are also great because they aren’t too personal, and you don’t have to cross that line and ask someone to put your information in their phone. A lot of people are very private about their devices and a business card prevents that encounter.
Photo: Ron Lach, Pexels