Finding the Perfect Paint
Whether you intend to complete the renovation yourself or decide upon hiring a contractor to do the job, you want to make sure everything is perfect – especially the finer details. While renovations can often be rather pricey, painting is a cost-efficient and easy way to bring a little life to an old space while making it feel new again.
Choosing the right paint can seem like a difficult task, leaving many homeowners more confused about type of paint, colours, shades and hues then before they even planned to paint!
However, it is actually very simple. Let us help break it down for you!
House hold paints are primarily one of two types; oil based or latex. Both of these consist of multiple choices for sheen and gloss. Oil based paint is primarily used for trim, moulding or wood pieces since it does an excellent job of covering up the knots or rough patches on the wood. The only downside to using an oil based paint is that it does take a significant amount of time to dry – so please plan ahead and arrange for a longer drying period!
Latex, is the most commonly used indoor paint and is known for its durability. Latex also boasts a wonderful attribute, it is known as a fade resistant paint and it is most commonly used for walls, ceilings and various common areas in the home. This type of paint breathes much better than oil-based, making it a quicker process from wet to dry, easier to apply and therefore less chance of any blistering within the drying process.
Finally, once you have chosen the paint you wish to use, the next step will be deciding upon a sheen. Glossy based paints are known to be family friendly because they are easy to wipe down and keep clean, these are mostly used in living rooms, basements and common areas. Then we have semi gloss, which is best for kitchens and bathrooms as it is not a overwhelming sheen and does not steel the limelight from the rest of the space. And finally last but not least we have matte, the classic ceiling and trim finish, perfect for nearly every home.
From fancy, modern, professional and suave; paint can set a bold statement in your home. So why not do it right?