Five unusual ways to budget for your trip
Budgeting for any trip can be a slow and tedious process, and potentially even a stressful one if you’re on a time limit, but we know you can do it! You can find payday loans online in an emergency, but our budget tips can help you avoid breaking open that ancient penny jar and you definitely don’t need to go without food for a whole week just to save enough for a hotel stay. So, without further ado, here are our five unusual ways to budget for your trip!
Be Creative with Entertainment
Entertainment can be one of the biggest money drains we humans come across. Think about it – that one meal out could cost you more than you spend in a week, or that shopping trip that was only supposed to be for a pair of socks could easily end up costing you two t-shirts, a jumper and that coat you had to have. Instead, you need to get creative with your entertainment! Hold a dinner party rather than go out for a meal, or make a picnic basket for a date night. Netflix or Amazon are great choices for a movie night, and you can shop online with quick delivery if you think you’ll have better self-control that way. If you have kids, trips to the park are completely free, or make a game out of building a pillow fort with spare blankets and pillows.
Check Deals Sites Regularly
This is a lot like couponing, but works especially well if you’re looking to order things online. The Internet is a huge place, and with such a huge place comes plenty of online discount codes and deals. Of course, you have to be careful and proceed with a little caution, but you never know what you could come across with a simple search. You can find deals on flights, material goods, your broadband, other utility bills and so much more!
It’s no secret that a bit of DIY can save you plenty of money. With a bit of creativity and a few free instructions from Pinterest, you can make your own birthday gifts, toiletries, and even washing detergent! For kids, self-made playdough or arts and crafts can be a great way to keep them entertained – just be prepared for a little bit of mess!
Clean Out Your Wardrobe
This might sound counterproductive, but trust us! How many times have you cleaned out a part of your home whether that’s a drawer, a cupboard or an entire room, and come across things you’d completely forgotten you even owned in the first place? Your wardrobe is no different. By clearing it out of clothes you don’t wear any longer, you could come across plenty of items that can be repurposed, or that could be perfect for your holiday without needing to splash out on a whole new holiday wardrobe.
Leave Your Wallet/Purse at Home
This one is for the risk-takers out there, but for once or twice a week, consider leaving your wallet or purse at home. If you need money during the day, whether that’s for travel or something else entirely, budget it. Only take the money you need that day to save you from overspending. You’ll be surprised to learn that you can go without spending in a day and still get through it!