• By: Allen Brown

Four Tips to Feel Closer to Home as an Expat

Most people leave their home countries to experience new things or want better opportunities in life. Being an expat can seem like an exciting journey, especially when you board the plane. However, just like any other life experience, it comes with its set of challenges. 

You may feel disconnected from your loved ones back home. You may also miss the small things in your home country, like the food, cultural traditions, and places. Many expats feel homesick at times and you are not alone. 

Here are some tips to help you feel closer to your home even if you have settled abroad. 


1. Stay Connected with Loved Ones

One of the best ways to keep that feeling of home alive is by staying in touch with the people who matter most to you. Whether it’s through regular video calls, social media, or group chats, staying connected can make the distance feel smaller. Set up a weekly video call with your family or close friends. 

For those moments when words alone aren’t enough, sending gifts or care packages filled with items from home can also do wonders. Likewise, if you have family back home who rely on you for financial support, consider using reliable services that allow you to send cash to India or other countries easily. This not only helps your loved ones but also keeps you actively involved in their lives.


2. Bring a Piece of Home to Your New Place

Another way to feel closer to home as an expat is to surround yourself with things that remind you of it. Think about the items or traditions that are meaningful to you and bring them into your new space. It could be as simple as cooking a traditional dish from your hometown or displaying family photos around your apartment. 

You could also bring a bit of home into your routine. Maybe it’s a special meal you eat on Sundays, a holiday tradition you can adapt to your new country, or even a local song that brings back memories. These habits can help bridge the gap between where you are now and the home you left behind.


3. Build a Community

While keeping in touch with people back home is important, it’s equally crucial to build a new community where you live now. Finding a group of people who understand your experience as an expat can provide you with a sense of belonging in your new environment

Even beyond the expat community, consider getting involved with local groups. It could be a hobby or interest you share with others, like a sports club, cooking class, or language exchange group. Engaging with the local culture and making new friends can help ease the homesickness and make you feel more settled in your new home.


4. Take Advantage of Modern Convenience

If you are feeling homesick, then the best way to feel better is to bring a taste of home to where you are. Thanks to technology, there are too many ways to stay connected to your roots, whether it’s food, clothing or cultural events. 

Many websites and online stores offer international shipping of your favourite products from back home. If you are missing the food, you can search for the raw ingredients or get them delivered to where you are. This way, you can easily recreate the dish and introduce it to your new friends.