Fully Vaxxed, and Feeling Relaxed
At the time of this writing, my right arm is sore, and I am tired, but for a good reason. On Friday, I received both the flu shot, as well as the latest COVID-19 booster shot.
Now, I know that many people are hesitant to get the newest shot for several reasons. If you are one of them, I’m not here to judge you, debate, or argue about the merits of getting vaccinated. I’ll simply talk about my experience with getting vaccinated this time and why I chose to get both shots.
As many of you probably remember, and perhaps are still experiencing, trying to get a COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario was a nightmare. I remember going online to the government website, trying to book a vaccine appointment, and it never worked. After that, I tried calling the government hotline, which was also useless.
During my ordeal, I wrote about my experience, both here and on my social media. One of my followers offered to help me get an appointment, and she was successful.
Here’s the kicker, though: she lives in the United States, which means she was able to book from another country. I’m grateful that she helped me out, but it’s kind of messed up when you think about it.
I wasn’t able to get a vaccine in Ontario, even though I’ve lived here for my entire life, and I’m ventilator dependent.
When the day of my appointment arrived, the process at a community centre was another nightmare. Most of the staff there seemed unprepared to deal with a person with a disability, at least in my case. I was told to go to the back of the room to wait, and then I was told to sit elsewhere to wait.
The shot itself was fine, and the nurse was very nice, respectful, and spoke directly to me. In my experience, most nurses don’t speak directly to people with disabilities. I don’t know if they feel uncomfortable or just assume we’re non-verbal and are mentally challenged. The same thing happens with most people I come across.
Fortunately, the process has gotten easier since then. For the last two years, I have gotten a vaccine in my own home. Not only is this more convenient, it’s safer, plus, I didn’t have to pay for two trips.
Some of you may be wondering how I managed to do this.
For that, I have to thank Flora Medical Pharmacy, located at 500 Bank Street in unit 2. I’ve been with Flora Medical for a while, and they are by far, the best pharmacy I have ever dealt with; I highly recommend them.
I also want to specifically thank Ashraf for administering the shot. He was very professional, respectful, and kind.
So, yes, my experience this time was much smoother and more efficient. Also, much less traumatic.
If you’re interested in receiving your vaccines at home, I suggest calling your local pharmacy to see if they have the vaccines available, and if they are willing to administer them in your home.
Please keep in mind that the service is intended for those considered vulnerable.
For more information about how you can get vaccinated, please visit https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1003712/free-flu-shot-and-new-covid-19-vaccines-available-for-all-ontarians-six-months-of-age-and-older
As I said earlier, the debate continues to rage on about whether or not to get vaccinated. In my case, I’m ventilator dependent, and I have 24/7 care. By getting vaccinated, not only am I protecting myself but also my care providers, as well as those around me.
For me, it was a no-brainer.
Yes, my right arm is a little sore, and I’m a little tired. In the end, those are minor side effects compared to the alternative.
So, if you can get vaccinated, you should get vaccinated. For those who disagree, PLEASE don’t try to argue with me or leave hateful comments on my social media or in my inbox.
In the meantime, I hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween.