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How children and grandchildren push our buttons


Dear Adele,

Our grandchildren have become great button pushers! They seem to know exactly what to do to get their way with their parents. Sometimes they beg, sometimes they yell, sometimes they pout! I cannot tell you how annoying it is to see them get their way, with some of these behaviours. My daughter and her husband are loving parents but sometimes I think they don’t see exactly how badly their children are acting up. Can you help with a column on this topic?



Dear Onlookers,

How difficult it is to not be in the driver’s seat with children you love! Your grandchildren are likely bright, active, energetic little ones who test and manipulate their parents successfully to get what they want. I know they are successful because the behaviours are repeated and you are observing them.

May I suggest an excellent parenting book with a section on button pushing. Perhaps you can tuck it into a Christmas stocking or add it to a birthday gift. I am borrowing from it for purposes of this column and highly recommend the book for all young parents. It is called 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12, revised fourth edition, by Dr. Thomas W. Phelan.

Dr. Phelan says there are six basic testing tactics or button pushers which children use to try to influence their parent’s behaviour.

Once the parent understands the purpose of these assorted testing and manipulative strategies, they are better able to assess how effective they are for the children. If the adult gives in, it is a win for the child. If the youngster gets revenge and punishes the adult with guilty feelings, it is a win for the child. If the behaviours are repeated, the adult knows it is a win for the child.

Dr. Phelan suggests that the adult show no emotion when the children behave like this and that the adult not get caught up trying to talk them out of it. It is best to stay calm, say little, and to not give them the attention they are seeking by the manipulative strategy. Most importantly, the parent should not give in. Dr. Phelan calls this the “No Talking, No Emotion Rules”. Your family might find it helpful to read more on this subject in Dr. Phelan’s book.

I will conclude with a quote from 1-2-3 Magic which might inspire you.

“You don’t need a huge parenting book that asks you to be a genius, saint, or professional psychologist, but you do want to raise emotionally intelligent kids. Discover how your silence can speak louder than your words and enjoy your children again.”

Best to you, Onlookers.

Sincerely, Adele

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