How to furnish your restaurant on a budget
As we move gradually towards life as normal, you may be considering finally opening your dream restaurant. Alternatively, you may want to refurnish your restaurant so that you can attract old and new customers alike. Chances are you have a tighter budget than before, with COVID-19 having thrown a spanner in everyone’s works, but you still want to actualize the beautiful restaurant you envisioned. Can you furnish a restaurant on a budget?
The good news is that you don’t have to spend millions to furnish your restaurant with stylish and expensive-looking furniture. Follow these tips to land on your dream design.
Embrace minimalism
Minimalism is an excellent strategy for furnishing on a budget, but that is not the only reason to embrace this approach. Post-COVID-19, we are all far more aware of hygiene matters than ever before. Even when things have returned to a semblance of normal, everyone will be extra aware of how clean any establishment appears.
Lavish furniture may start out looking expensive, but it is also harder to clean. Patrons nowadays will notice any deficiencies. They will feel more comfortable with furniture that is visibly clean and that can be sanitized and wiped down with ease.
Beyond the practicalities, minimalism is popular for a reason. Minimalist design looks chic and sophisticated. It is far more modern than loud and busy designs. As long as your minimalist design shows your intentionality, it will be appreciated.
Compare prices online
The ideal way to buy anything these days is online. It is not only more convenient, but you can compare prices with more ease and accuracy than ever before. This should be part of your approach to buying restaurant furniture.
You can see different designs at restaurantfurniture.net and compare prices. You also don’t have to limit your search to Canadian sellers. The right furniture for your restaurant may be cheaper across the border, and delivery might not cost all that much more.
Buying online prevents you from going on impulse. Instead, you can spend time thinking about your options, and you can ask the people whose taste you trust what they think.
Don’t crowd the floor
The instinct of every restaurant owner is to crowd as much furniture into the space as possible. You want as many people in chairs at a time as possible, and you also don’t want your restaurant to look empty.
However, you are furnishing your restaurant in a post-COVID-19 world. At the moment, space is a good thing. People should feel comfortable that they are able to implement social distancing if necessary. This also allows your waiters more space, which can help prevent cross-contamination between tables.
This may be temporary, but for now it is at least a reason to go for a less-is-more approach. It means you can focus the money you have on buying the right furniture, rather than the cheapest. You save money in the short term, and can reassess your decisions a few months down the line.
Furnishing a restaurant on a budget is not easy, but it can be done effectively in a way that makes your restaurant look sophisticated. Money may be tight now, but that does not have to impact the look of your restaurant for posterity.
Photo: Jason Leung, Unsplash