How To Relocate To Italy As A Citizen After Marrying An Italian
If you marry a foreigner, you will probably consider moving in with them to start a new life. The best way to do it is as a citizen (instead of only a resident), and most countries give an option of citizenship to married partners. Italy has one of the simplest citizenship by marriage processes, so you can expect an easy way in after marrying an Italian. But everything boils down to knowing the process well. You can visit Bersani Law Firm for understanding more about citizenship by marriage. Let us share a few key factors you need to know about relocating to Italy as a citizen after marrying an Italian.
Timelines are crucial
Timelines are perhaps the most crucial aspect of applying for Italian citizenship by marriage. You must realize that you may move in with your partner right after marriage, but you will have to wait for a specified period to become a citizen. The timeline is two years after the nuptial for couples residing in Italy and three years for those living in another country. If the wait seems too long, you can consider starting a family with your partner. Having biological or adopted kids together expedites the process by reducing the eligibility timeline to half.
Learn the language
While the wait for applying for Italian citizenship by marriage may seem too long, you can utilize it for learning the language. You will have to prove a B1 level of proficiency in Italian as a part of the eligibility requirements. The good thing about knowing the local language is that it can make your life easy down the line as you blend with your local family. You can save time by completing your language training during the waiting period. Consider joining a training school, picking a language course online, or asking your partner to help you so that you can clear the language test to qualify for the route.
Sort out your paperwork
Like any other immigration route, Italian citizenship by marriage requires loads of paperwork to validate eligibility. Sorting it out early makes sense so that you do not need to worry about any delays later. You will have to provide the originals and certified translated copies of your passport and driver’s license. The marriage certificate has to come in the original form to prove your marriage or same-sex civil union with your Italian partner. Couples residing in Italy must prove their Italian residency with a recent utility bill. Other documents you will have to provide include your birth certificate, criminal record, and a decree absolute or a no-divorce declaration if you or your partner has been divorced. The consulate may ask you for additional documentation, so be prepared with them.
Although the citizenship by marriage process is simple, you may encounter roadblocks due to a lack of understanding. It is best to collaborate with an expert to get guidance and prevent slowdowns due to errors or omissions. You will be in a better place to relocate as a citizen and start your new life in Italy with your partner.
Photo: Pexels, Dimitri Kuliuk