How to treat employees better
All business owners have the responsibility of taking care of their employees. Your employees are the driving force behind the success of your company and, therefore, it’s essential that you’re able to keep them satisfied and content in order to retain your very best staff. By giving your staff members the best possible experience working within your company, you will not only see their productivity increase but they also much more likely to treat customers and clients better too.
If you are a new entrepreneur and are keen to understand how to treat your employees better when starting a new business, this guide will come in useful. You’ll find out more about the benefits of studying an online MBA for improved leadership and how to give your employees the respect and support they deserve.
Take a look at the pointers below:
1. Be a good listener
If you truly want to become a good boss, take the time to listen to your employees when they need someone to hear them out. There may be occasions when your employees are struggling with certain tasks or have concerns that need addressing, therefore, being a personable boss is essential if you wish to keep your employees on side. Discuss these issues with your employees on a one-to-one basis, rather than during a team meeting to prevent embarrassment and ensure these issues are addressed with immediate effect.
Introducing an ‘open door policy’ gives employees the chance to approach you whenever they need to talk or have any questions that need to be addressed. This enhances communication between the employee and manager which promotes a culture of trust within the corporation.
2. Study an online MBA
It is never too late to develop your education in order to become a better entrepreneur. Some entrepreneurs start their businesses without much of a clue as to what it takes to succeed in the industry, however, essential skills and theories can be learned by studying an online MBA. This online MBA qualification teaches you an array of business skills, such as the likes of improved decision making and gaining specialist business knowledge, as well as how to lead more effectively when you have a team beneath you. Being a better leader through studying an online MBA is sure to improve the productivity of your workforce and supplies you with skills to grow the confidence of your team. You can find out more about studying an online MBA today.
3. Ditch unnecessary rules
Many companies make the mistake of enforcing a long list of rules that don’t necessarily need to be in place. While it’s important to have a set of rules to adhere to, silly rules that can inhibit productivity and cause a great deal of anxiety within the workplace. An online MBA will teach you the basics of what it takes to develop your sense of leadership, without having to rely on excessive and needless guidelines. Having employees that are constantly afraid to unintentionally break rules does not create a pleasant environment to be working in and can dampen the mood across the entire workforce. With this in mind, ditch rules that aren’t absolutely necessary and adopt a much more relaxed attitude.
4. Recognize accomplishments
Unfortunately, many managers simply don’t recognise the accomplishments of their workforce. This will not only affect the productivity of those who have strived hard to accomplish certain goals but may also make them less inclined to do well next time. Rewarding individual accomplishments shows that you are paying close attention to each employee and are keen to treat them as individuals, rather than a number. Knowing that someone is keeping an eye on their performance is sure to motivate employees and keep them on track to work towards their goals.
It doesn’t take much effort to say a simple ‘well done’ when an employee has met or even exceeded their target, however, you could even go as far as to introduce a rewards program for your top performers. Studying an online MBA will allow you to employ a different way of thinking and become much more open-minded in regard to how to acknowledge your employees’ successes.
Some of the most common rewards for employees include a meal at their restaurant of choice, a cash bonus or even a voucher for their favorite store on a monthly basis. Understanding that they have something to work towards each month will give them a sense of momentum to continue working to the very best of their ability.
Unfortunately, many managers simply don’t recognise the accomplishments of their workforce. This will not only affect the productivity of those who have strived hard to accomplish certain goals but may also make them less inclined to do well next time. Rewarding individual accomplishments shows that you are paying close attention to each employee and are keen to treat them as individuals, rather than a number. Knowing that someone is keeping an eye on their performance is sure to motivate employees and keep them on track to work towards their goals. [One of the best ways to do this is by sending a simple touch and personalizing employee gifts around the holidays, which will surely fill the heart of each of your employees.]
5. Invest in continuing education and training
The number one factor for millennials around the world is constant training to succeed in their career, according to a survey carried out by CNBC. It was also discovered that 71% of millennials are likely to leave an organization within two years if they are not offered training development programs, while 69% have the ambition of becoming leaders in their niche over a five-year time span. With this in mind, you simply cannot ignore the fact that training is now a substantial factor in retaining your very best employees – especially those who have recently graduated and looking to pursue the best career opportunities available to them.
While you may have discussed the idea of training briefly within team meetings, you must make it a main concern and integrate it into the annual budget meetings. Ask your employees about the type of training they would be interested in and how they see themselves developing within your corporation to get an idea of what would satisfy them career-wise. Encourage employees to make their own decisions when it comes to their career development in order to encourage a sense of confidence and originality.
6. Treat everyone equally
It’s natural to get on with some employees better than others, however, you must treat all employees equally in order to promote a happy and content workplace environment. Favoring some employees over others will not only cause friction between staff members but could also cause some of your best talent to hand in their notice if they don’t feel appreciated.
With that being said, it’s vital to understand that certain employees may have different needs in regards to their responsibilities goals and of course, personal difficulties, therefore, there may be occasions when an employee needs special requirements to complete their tasks.
7. Show them respect
If there is one aspect that all employees expect from you as a boss, it is to be treated with respect. As the saying goes ‘treat people how you would like to be treated’ and you’ll notice a huge difference in your employees’ willingness to deliver. Giving your employees respect means showing common courtesy, compassion and politeness, while an online MBA will teach you essential skills including communication and effective leadership without having to be forceful or discourteous to achieve the results you want.
Alongside this, you should also allow employees to express their opinions and ideas, without feeling underestimated or judged for being open. You should give the impression that all ideas submitted are valid and will be considered.
Just because you are the manager does not out you in a position to look down on your workforce and should be treated with less dignity than you would expect from them.
Treating your employees well when working remotely
As a result of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, businesses around the world have been forced to shut their doors and ask their employees to work from home, which has been a challenge for those who have never had to manage a remote team before. Most businesses who are used to dealing with remote workers have not had to deal with the time-pressure that the pandemic has enforced and have had the chance to ensure a smooth and efficient process. If you own a business and have been thrown in the deep end, you may be worried about how to keep your employees happy in this unexpected and strange situation. Here are some tips you may wish to take on board on how to treat your employees well while working remotely:
1. Understand the common challenges
It would be unrealistic to expect the same output from employees in the early stages of working remotely, as there may be hiccups along the way that cause them to be less productive than when working in the office. Typically high-performing employees may not deliver the same as you would expect as a result of having to undergo preparation and training in the early stages, but this is to be expected.
Some of the most common challenges include:
- Lack of physical communication and support
- Unable to access information to complete tasks
- Loneliness and isolation
- Distractions in the home
With this in mind, you need to be understanding of these challenges and do your best to support employees where possible.
2. Schedule daily-check ins
You may be used to letting your employees get on with their own tasks when working in the office, but as working remotely poses its own challenges, it would be advisable to schedule daily meetings with each of your employees to answer any queries they may have and ensure they are on task. Although it isn’t quite the same as speaking face-to-face, video-calling is the best replacement for physical communication which your employees may feel as though they are lacking.
If employees are expecting a one-on-one meeting, ensure you never cancel on them. Doing so could generate resentment with some of your most-prized employees and cause them to feel as though they simply don’t matter in your world. Due to missing out on working in the office day-to-day, employees are unable to gain access to news and information that would usually spread around the workplace and therefore, feel out of the loop. One-on-one meetings allow employees to feel as though they are still an integral part of the company and are kept informed about everything that is occurring. Pick a time that suits you both and make this a priority on your calendar.
3. Move to video call if emails are becoming too much
There may be situations then a constant stream of emails not only wastes time, but vital information could be misinterpreted, leading to confusion and stress. In this case, it would be wise to hold an impromptu video call to discuss the concern and ensure that any other worries are ironed out. When employees are left to their own devices without the support, they need from you, it not only causes discontentment but also reflects on your leadership abilities as a manager, which you can learn from studying an online MBA.
4. Encourage remote social interactions
Although your team members may be working in isolation from the comfort of their own home, this does not mean that they have to be completely cut off from their colleagues while working on a remote basis. Thanks to the developments in technology, there is now the opportunity to collaborate within group video calls, which can limit the sense of loneliness and isolation. If possible, encourage employees to socialize after work via video call or even hold one fun session within work hours in which they can participate in a quiz or game. This small tactic will give them a much-needed boost and reminds them that they are appreciated as human beings, rather than just employees.
5. Show flexibility
While your employees may have a set contract of working 9-5, this isn’t always easy when they’re expected to work at home. Each home environment is unique, and employees will have different responsibilities that need to be met. With this in mind, it’s important to allow employees to choose a more flexible working schedule to fit around their personal commitments. Due to schools closing with COVID-19 cases rising, more and more employees are forced to homeschool their children which can make it almost impossible to continue working their usual set working hours. Some employees may be facing difficulties in their relationships or have elderly parents that need care and attention during this difficult time, therefore, you should make it a priority to understand the circumstances of each employee. The bottom line is, that if it isn’t a necessity to work the standard 9-5 work pattern, allow employees to choose their own working hours to fit in around their personal life.
If you are a new business owner and have the ambition of creating a happy and comfortable workplace environment for your employees, we hope this blog has given you some useful pointers to take on board, both for in the office and remote work. Most of the above tips may take trial and error to perfect but should give you a sense of direction for giving your employees the best possible experience working within your company.
Photo: krakenimages, Unsplash