Lace up for CHEO on June 2nd.
Now that the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend is over, runners and walkers alike may be feeling a bit lost now that all that excitement is over. Looking for another race to get your fix? Here’s one for you. Next Saturday, June 2nd at 11:00 a.m., you can lace up your runners and head out to participate in the 5 km “Walk, Run or Sprint” for CHEO. It is being organized by the Ottawa Health Group (www.ottawahealthgroup.com) and it will be an incredible day.
While not new to community involvement, (the Ottawa Health Group is directly involved in organizing annual fundraising golf tournaments and other events for CHEO and the Angels of Hope http://www.angelsofhope.ca), this is the first time the Ottawa Health Group is organizing and sponsoring a race.

For a mere $40, not only will you be helping CHEO, you will receive a charitable tax receipt, get a race t-shirt and entry to the post-run festivities that will include good grub and lots of fun.
Knowing the organizers, it will be a fantastic event. Ottawa Health Group (formerly Downtown Chiropractic) has the most dynamic team of health professionals.
Dr. Mark deGruchy heads up the team which offers services for patients and clients requiring help with everything from post-surgical recovery to whiplash injury care to joint pain/arthritic issues to sports injury rehab to chiro maintenance. He’s your guy. (Among his clients are the Ottawa Senators. You’re in good hands.)
And if you are a fitness fanatic looking to keep your body in tip-top shape or if you are dealing with injury, there is nothing better than a visit to Karen Zanet deGruchy. Her magical fingers, active release techniques, exuberant personality and endless encouragement will make the world a better place.

In fact, the whole Group exudes positive energy and support. With them in your corner, you will get you through whatever physical challenges you face. They are all professionals and will help you meet your goals, be that recovery from an accident, dealing with chronic pain or trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon. They will help get you to where you want to go.
Learn more at www.ottawahealthgroup.com or email them at wecare@ottawahealthgroup.com and more importantly, get out there to help them raise money for CHEO. Good grub, good people, fresh air and exercise to boot. Sign up on their web site and join in the fun this Saturday.