LG Fashion Week – Spring/Summer 2012: Day Three
Day three was the most anticipated day with two top designers showing their spring collections. The two shows Pink Tartan and Joe Fresh, were sold out with crowds of media, industry, sponsors and fashionistas hoping to make it into the tents.
Designer Kim Newport-Mimran behind the label Pink Tartan brought sleek feminine looks to the spring 2011 runway. The collection started with black and white staples and then bright red dresses, matching pants and tops paraded down the runway. Neutrals played a key role in the collection with lightweight separates in red, orange and navy blue. This was a strong collection and will likely do well in the stores come warmer months. It was noted by many who attended the show that there was a slight similarity between the Pink Tartan collection and her husband’s collection, Joe Fresh. Pink Tartan is carried at The Bay and Holt Renfrew across Canada.

Joesph Mimran the designer and Canadian success story behind the label Joe Fresh brought another season of budget friendly and breezy styles. Bright orange dresses, skirts, pants and blazers were worn by both the male and female models. The top trends on the runway were graphic print blazers for the guys and patterned crisp white dress shirts. Black and white were the main color staples throughout the collection with colorful details such as yellow cuffs, bright belts and clear chunky necklaces. Orange accents were prevalent throughout the show (the color of the brand) which conveniently aligned with the color of the season. Joe Fresh is available at Loblaws.

LG Fashion week is a five day event held at David Pecaut Square in Toronto.