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Matt Fodor’s new book explains how the Orange Wave turned towards to the right

Title: From Layton to Singh
Published by: James Lorimer & Company Ltd.
Price: $24.95
ISBN: 9781459416970

From Layton to Singh” dives into the power struggles between the NDP’s idealist social democratic base and the professional “Orange liberals”. For many years, the NDP has been dominated by big personalities. From the optimism of Jack Layton to the disappointment of Tom Mulcair and the popularity of Jagmeet Singh among young people, the NDP has seen its ups and downs.

However, behind the historical faces of the party lies a fight between power and ideology. Author Matt Fodor explains how the “Orange Liberals” have now replaced the social democratic base and turned party policy towards the right. This has increased internal tensions as socialist activists are at odds with party members who value power over principles. The party reached its low point after the 2015 elections when Justin Trudeau’s liberals overtook the NDP. Fodor explains the impact of Jagmeet Singh’s leadership from the challenges of the 2019 campaigns to the 2022 deal with the Liberals that kept Trudeau’s minority government in power. His review is completed with a recommendation of changes which would allow the party to be more united in their ideals and beliefs.

About the Author:

Toronto based writer Matt Fodor is a writer, political strategist and PhD candidate in political science at York University. He has extensively researched comparative politics and Canadian politics with an interest in social democracy. After observing the NDP for many years, Matt has written extensively about the party from a federal and provincial level. His writing can be found in chapters of Party of Conscience, Tax is Not a Four-Letter Word, Now, Rabble, and The Bullet.

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