Moving to a New Province? Four Online Resources to Make the Transition Easier
These days, we count on the Internet to solve a bulk of our problems, regardless of what they may be.
If you’re apartment-hunting within Canada, there are plenty of resources out there to help you find your new home. For example, apartment hunting site RentSeeker offers insight on countless Canadian apartments to ensure that you make the right choice.
But what about the inevitable problems we face once the realities of moving set in?
While it’s natural to get butterflies in your stomach when it’s time to pack up and move, the physical process of, well, packing up and moving comes with a variety of unexpected headaches.
For starters, imagine the amount of junk that gets thrown away or left behind during any given moving excursion. That being said, how often do we find ourselves in the classic conundrum of finding ourselves stuck in a bare apartment because we failed to properly plan ahead?
Make the transition to your new province easier thanks to the power of the modern web. Each of the following has sites specific to Canada to help ease your mind when it comes time to move. Regardless of why you’ve decided to find a new space, consider how the following resources can help you out.
If you’re tired of boring décor and want something truly different for your new space, considering buying some homemade pieces rather than something for a big box store. There are plenty of Canadian home décor shops on Etsy with hidden gems that you can pick up for relatively low prices. After all, such décor is truly one-of-a-kind and will give your new apartment a sense of your personality.
Thanks to Amazon Prime, you can get just about anything shipped to your door in two days or less at the fraction of a price that you’d pay at a big box store, making Amazon the go-to solution for anyone one the move. From appliances to cleaning products and even groceries, consider how much you can during your initial move if you resist the urge to go to a specialty store and buy digitally instead.
“What’s good around here?”
You’ll find yourself asking that question quite often, especially if you’re a native Torontonian who find themselves fresh off the plane in Vancouver. Yelp offers ratings and reviews on a number of local businesses, ranging anywhere from restaurants to doctors and beyond. Whether you’re looking for something to grab a bite or perhaps find something serious such as an urgent care facility, it’s important to rely on feedback from real people versus marketing noise.
Job-hunting is often quite stressful, especially for those moving somewhere new. However, sites such as Indeed offer tons of new postings daily which are targeted by industry and location. With a robust “related search” function, you can easily spot opportunities and sign-up for email alerts if you don’t initially find a good fit.
Rather than stress out over your next move, consider how the modern web can ease your worries. In short, don’t be afraid to browse and buy online as you start your life in a new province.