Ontario in 2021: how to keep yourself entertained at home
Although the thought of another lockdown in Ottawa and the surrounding region of Ontario might have seemed liked a far-off possibility just a few months ago, the unfortunate reality is that given the deteriorating conditions in the province, another lockdown is here. For those of us who suffered through the first lockdown all the way back in March and April of 2020, this is a particularly tough pill to swallow. Also, given that residents of the province are now in the midst of a typically harsh winter, this one looks set to be much harder to endure than the first lockdown.
In light of all this, keeping ourselves occupied while sheltering at home looks set to be more difficult than ever – particularly given that for many of us, the preceding months have already proved so tough. With that said, what are some things that we can do to keep ourselves going through what look set to be a difficult few months ahead?
Rediscover the thrill of the casino
One of the first businesses to close as social distancing restrictions tightened up over the last couple of months were in-person casinos. Given how packed casino floors can get on a typical weekend, the decision to close them down seems entirely reasonable. Just because in-person, physical casinos are closed, however, doesn’t mean that you need to miss out on your favourite pastime. A great way of recreating this experience from the comfort of your own home – and in a way that complies with the public health measures – is to try your hand at live casino games. Live casino games are the perfect way to recreate the in-person experience from your own home, as the action unfolds in real-time with a live dealer.
Don’t neglect the outdoors
Although the weather might seem quite harsh at times – as is always the case with an Ontario winter – this does not necessarily mean that you should completely avoid the outdoors. Getting some fresh air and some light movement in by taking a walk in a public park is a great way of keeping the winter blues at bay – something particularly important given the lockdown measures that look set to be put in place in the coming weeks. Although the majority of businesses will be closed when these measures come into effect, public parks and walkways will nevertheless be kept open – take advantage of these when the weather permits and you will notice a marked difference in your mental and physical health.
Rediscover the love of a good book
For the vast majority of people, whenever we are stuck at home for extended periods of time, the immediate temptation is typically to fire up our Netflix accounts and binge-watch the latest show on offer. While this might be a great way to while away the hours in self-isolation, it can also be a good idea to wean yourself away from screens. With many of us working at home due to the pandemic, our daily screen time stats have gone through the roof. To give yourself a break and keep busy, why not pick up a good book and rediscover your love of reading? Reading has benefits over mindless TV watching as it is uniquely immersive compared to other forms of media – something particularly important given how testing the last year has been!