Top Christmas Movie Picks
With out-of-town family coming, food to prepare, gifts to purchase, special concerts and parties to attend, we run ourselves ragged in the lead-up to the holidays. There is no better way to decompress than to stir up a batch of hot-rum-infused eggnog and head to the family room to take in an afternoon or an evening (. . . even a day) of Christmas-themed movies.
So, here is our list of the top Christmas movies of all time. If you don’t agree, let us know! A few of them will get you in the spirit of the holiday, others will make you feel good, while one in particular will give you a scare, but most of all, they will give you a break from the craziness that can be Christmas. So, get your jingle on and get watching.
Home Alone (1990) and Home Alone 2 (1992)
Directed by: Chris Columbus Produced by: John Hughes
Running time: 1 hour 43 minutes
They must go together. Macaulay Culkin’s ‘Kevin McAllister’ is nothing short of genius. This is a must-watch during the holidays.
Love Actually (2003)
Directed by: Richard Curtis Produced by: Duncan Kenworthy, Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Debra Hayward, Liza Chasin
Running time: 2 hours 25 minutes
Corny, crazy, creepy and stalking rather than stocking, are all part of this kind of wonderful and weirdly satisfying movie with its ensemble cast of multiple actors you’ll instantly recognize, including Hugh Grant, Emma Thomsen and Liam Neeson . . . and Rick from the Walking Dead! So many wonderful storylines in this film — one of the best romantic comedies ever. Boris Johnson even parodied a scene for his recent re-election campaign.
Trading Places (1983)
Directed by: John Landis Produced by: Aaron Russo
Running time: 116 minutes
Eddie Murphy’s second movie saw him team with Dan Aykroyd in a very funny film that still holds up. Although, it might ruin fish and buffets for you!
The Best Man Holiday (2013)
Directed by: Malcom D. Lee Produced by: Malcolm D. Lee, Sean Daniel
Running time: 1 hour 56 minutes
If a movie is successful, it will get a sequel, and if it wants to capitalize on sequel money, ‘Holiday’ to the title. It was great seeing the entire cast reunite 15 years later for a sequel that lived up to the original.
Bad Santa (2003)
Directed by: Terry Zwigoff Produced by: John Cameron, Sarah Aubrey
Running time: 1 hour 38 minutes
Not for the kids . . . Billy Bob Thornton’s disgruntled, thieving Santa is one of his best roles. You’ll never look at a department store Santa the same!
Serendipity (2001)
Directed by: Peter Chelsom Produced by: Simon Fields, Peter Abrams, Robert L. Levy
Running time: 1 hour 33 minutes
Another phenomenal romantic comedy with a holiday backdrop. Kate Beckinsale said in an interview of all her roles people ask her about, it’s this one; it’s a favourite!
A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
Directed by: Bill Melendez Produced by: Lee Mendelson
Running time: 30 minutes
Do I really need to explain this animated classic?
Die Hard (1988)
Directed by: John McTiernan Produced by: the Gordon Company and Silver Pictures
Running time: 2 hours 12 minutes
There is no debate, this is a Christmas movie. Bruce Willis came out and said it isn’t but with all due respect, can we trust the guy who blew it with Demi Moore!
Exhibit A. Theatres play it every Christmas
Exhibit B. It takes place during Christmas
Exhibit C. The main character’s wife is named Holly.
Exhibit D. Is it really Christmas time if Hans Gruber isn’t falling out of Nakatomi Plaza!
Gremlins (1984)
Directed by: Joe Dante Produced by: Michael Finnell
Running time: 1 hour 47 minutes
An adorable little Chinese creature spawns a whole lot of naughtiness!
National Lampoon Christmas Vacation (1989)
Directed by: Jeremiah S. Chechik Produced by: John Hughes, Tom Jacobson
Running time: 1 hour 37 minutes
A classic holiday film. The misadventures of the Griswold family will help get any Scrooge in the mood for Christmas..
It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)
Directed and produced by Frank Capra
Running time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Jimmy Stewart stars as a down-on-his-luck family man planning to end it all. Guaranteed to bring a tear to your eye!
Elf (1983)
Directed by: Jon Favreau Produced by: Shauna Robertson, Todd Komarnicki, Jon Berg
Running time: 1 hour 37 minutes
A quirky Christmas classic, starring Will Ferrell as Buddy the Elf that appeals to the kid in everyone!
Prancer (1989)
Directed by: John D. Hancock Produced by: Raffaella De Laurentiis
Running time: 1 hour 43 minutes
A young girl helps rescue and rehabilitate an injured reindeer in this feel-good film that helps spread the joy and magic of Christmas.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Directed by: Ron Howard Produced by: Brian Grazer, Ron Howard
Running time: 1 hour 50 minutes
It is hard to choose between the cartoon (1966) and feature film versions of this Dr. Seus classic, but Jim Carrey’s portrayal of the revenge-seeking, Christmas-wrecking fiend takes the cake, not to mention an Academy Award for Best Hairstyling!