Photos by Alex Mazur
Creativity takes courage and Patrick Nunziata has plenty of it. Nunziata is a young artist from Toronto and graduate from the University of Western Ontario who specializes in symbolic interpretation and abstraction. It was during university that he was able to refine his skill. Originally driven by an interest in all things encompassed within the graphic arts, Nunziata explains that while at university, “shapes broke up into this abstract field type of art.”
“The viewer will be looking at the painting and they feel like they’re reading, but they’re unable to comprehend what they’re reading. It sort of opens up people’s ways of looking,” says Nunziata.
Patrick strives to create pieces that offer a new perspective each time they are viewed. This line of thinking is reflected in his most recent art endeavor, Beausejour Co. where he trades in the classic canvas for a wearable one. Alongside Canadian artist Krista Katherine Bell, Patrick’s latest project specializes in art-to-wear, hand-painted by career artists or cut from an original painting.
Much like his paintings, each product in the Beausejour Co. line is its own unique, never replicated design. From jean jackets to clutches, the handmade garments and accessories produced are deeply rooted in artisanal craftsmanship so often lost within the era of fast-fashion.
The brand is an attempt to redefine the life of a painting by making it visible not only on walls but on ordinary people as they go about their everyday lives. Nunziata explains, “I’m trying to make it so open, so accessible, it can be anything that one really wants it to. In that sense, creating art that won’t expire.”
The line is rapidly gaining traction throughout the Toronto fashion district. The hand-painted jackets were recently picked up by Pink Tartan, a womenswear brand known for luxury and sophistication, and featured prominently during Toronto Fashion Week.
Canadian artist Patrick Nunziata’s artwork will be showcased at Alpha Art Gallery on December 7th during the Ottawa Life Magazine Annual Christmas party.