Pilar’s Picks: NEeMA
NEeMA is Montreal’s multi-talented singer, storyteller and writer who has travelled world-wide enterataining and performing in front of diverse audiences from Canada, Ireland and Sweden to Belgium. Leave The Light On was released April 8, 2014 which shines upon some of her touring adventures. Leave The Light On features original work and fascinating cover songs, captured live while she was on tour. A track that’s on her album is a love song called Unspoken that has an interesting, soft melody I enjoy. Check out this video which comes from one of her live performances in Montreal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaJmh7UbLK8. Don’t be a fool and purchase NEeMA’s Leave The Light On album available now! To listen to the whole album click here: http://www.neema.ca/music/leave-light.