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Putting the brakes on the bickering


Dear Adele,

We need some help. Our three school-age children are constantly squabbling and bickering about everything.” He’s looking at me!” says one. “She’s breathing on me!” retorts the other. And then the exchange of verbal assaults ensues with one of us parents sometimes raising our voices to tell them ‘Stop it!” “Cut it out!”, or “I’ve had enough. Go to your corners!” We cannot be the first set of parents to have been there. Ideas please for stopping this constant bickering!



Dear Referees,

You are likely quite right! We have all been there with our children fighting. While frustrating, it is a very common parenting challenge and I do have a few ideas for you.

An excellent article entitled ‘Sibling Rivalry’ talks about why the children fight in the first place and what to do about it. I think you will find these ideas helpful to understanding five causes of the fighting:

So, you are wondering what to do about this situation with your three children. You might want to adopt some of the following ideas and practices to help your youngsters get along.

Amy McCready, founder of Positive Parenting Solutions has a few ideas for after the fighting.

An article by No Guilt Mom entitled ‘How to stop siblings from fighting: a tip that only takes 15 seconds’ was a short but helpful read. This author summarizes her approach with the following three points:

I wish you the best Referees in creating a fight free environment. Put in place some of the ideas listed above and you should see a decrease in the squabbling and bickering in your family, and the growth of a more peaceful home, where children solve their problems between themselves with positive conflict resolution skills.

I will conclude with a few quotations which might serve to inspire you:

Quarrel with a friend and you are both wrong.” — Lao Tzu

We are never so much disposed to quarrel with others as when we are dissatisfied with ourselves.” — William Hazlett

There are more quarrels smothered by just shutting your mouth, and holding it shut, than by all the wisdom in the world.” — Henry Ward Beecher

Sincerely, Adele

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Photo: Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

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