Richcraft Homes and Canadian Tire Centre Ready to Go LIVE!
Images supplied by Richcraft Live.
When you hear the name Richcraft you probably think finely crafted homes instead of pyrotechnic explosions, the wail of electric guitars, thunderous bass and thousands of people screaming in unison. They’re looking to change that.
For over 30 years Richcraft Homes has become synonymous in the area for homebuilding excellence. Back in 2005, the company was praised for their smart growth projects and have racked up even more accolades over the years such as a Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association award in 2015. It may come as a surprise to hear that they’re now looking to get you out of the house and not inside of one.
On August 18, a few hours before the Tragically Hip took the stage in their final, iconic Ottawa performance, Richcraft announced a partnership with the Canadian Tire Centre. That night they became the arena’s title sponsor for live entertainment shows and concerts. As community builders it seemed a perfect union because, to them, nothing brings people together more than music.
“Richcraft is a local company,” said Angela Singhal, of Richcraft Homes. “Building a great city is the passion of our team and we could not be more excited to bring people together through this partnership.”
The organization says it is proud to stand alongside the fans by creating a new VIP Zone to get you closer to the action. 30 seats will fill the penalty box area but you don’t have to get a two minute minor to use them. Though full details haven’t been announced yet, tickets for the Richcraft VIP area will be offered out through social media, promotions and contests to better engage with the fans. Considering the amount of recent sold-out shows, the Canadian Tire Centre expects a lot of them.
“Since this building opened in 1996, we have witnessed the growth of Ottawa as a music destination,” said Ottawa Senators president Cyril Leeder. “The industry recognizes that as well, as each year Canadian Tire Centre continues to attract top acts and artists from around the world. We are very pleased to see partners such as Richcraft Homes investing in the event experience. Ultimately, programs like this make each visit by our fans even more fun and engaging.”
With Live Nation Canada being on board as well, fans may be able to get even closer to their idols than those comfy VIP seats. Richcraft Live looks to offer up meet-and-greets with the artists as well as the possibility to peek behind the scenes for private soundchecks. Imagine watching a musician like Bruce Springsteen work out the night’s show with the E Street Band before the arena is filled? How about meeting with your favorite comedian or guitarist? It could happen!
“I’ve seen the industry change so much over my career, but the one thing that has remained the same is the passion for music,” said Riley O’Connor of Live Nation Canada. “Marketers are now looking to tap into the live event experience and it’s great.”
It all makes for an exciting direction for live entertainment in our city. Keep a watch out for first opportunities to get you into one of those seats. Get ready to get out and get live!