Coco Chanel once said, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off” and I now understand why. Minimalism has taken over fashion both in apparel and now in jewelry. What was once the era of chunky, statement necklaces have been replaced with a cavalry of dainty, minimal necklaces layered on top of each other. Below, you’ll find some of my favourites and go-to jewelry that I never want to take off (#sorrynotsorry, Coco Chanel).
Leah Alexandra Jewelry
This brand comes straight from Vancouver. Her designs are as unique as the gemstones used in every piece and all of them are perfection when layered. With a wide variety to choose from, this brand offers both trend and classic be it necklaces, cuffs or rings.
First and foremost, this brand is local. They started off in Toronto and are now slowly but surely expanding. They believe that there is no need to “choose between high quality and accessible prices”, I concur. These are high quality pieces that are meant to be used either alone or layered and they’ve got something for everyone. This brand is the epitome of dainty jewelry as they’ve mastered the art of simplicity and affordable luxury.
Jenny Bird
Another local designer after my own heart. Creating minimalist jewelry, Jenny Bird has all the chic packed into every design. Classic pieces reimagined for the everyday woman who wants to have it all without compromising on quality, this is what the brand embodies.
Dana Rebecca
Dana Rebecca is loved by every stylist known to Hollywood as well as the celebrities that wear them. They’ve got a huge brand following for good reason. The pieces are delicate and intricate yet keeping simplicity at its core. Their stackable ring sets are impeccable and make for great #ootddetails on your Instagram account.
Lana Jewelry
A favourite of mine through and through, Lana Jewelry never disappoints. Seen everywhere from movies to TV shows on every celebrity you can think of, Lana has taken over the minimalist jewelry landscape. The pieces are a standout whether you’re wearing them alone or layered. They are easy to wear and go with absolutely everything in your closet. Known for their lariats and hoops, you can never go wrong when you invest in one of their pieces.
Jennifer Zeuner
Second to my veneration for Lana comes Jennifer Zeuner, my introduction to the world of dainty and minimalist jewelry. Her pieces evoke “…her own personal style; simple with a spiritual twist” and it’s right on the money. Her line with the evil eye as the charm/ pendants are one of the top sellers as well as her personalized collection which make for great gifts (to everyone you know AND yourself).
Flaunting your effortless style has never been easier! Any one of these lovely pieces are guaranteed to make your #ootddetails even better.