The Essential Wardrobe for Understated Elegance
By Antonio Valente
Make this the year you get noticed. Start with a plain navy suit, followed by a charcoal stripe and then a navy stripe, and possibly a glen check or windowpane. Shirts should be more regimented with a rotation of six whites, three blues and a few stripes.If you want to stand out a little, get shirts with French cuffs so you can express your individuality with cuff links.Of course, the accessories can’t stand out too much, so ties need to be striped, with a few neats or possibly a paisley thrown into the mix, and shoes must be black. Choose a pair of toe caps, brogues or a pair of slip-ons.
If you feel adventurous go with a brown pair. Lastly, you need to make sure the belts match the shoes and the socks match the suit pants. For a change, try a red bengal shirt. A beautiful Jacquard tie and pocket square go well with the red-striped shirt, a pair of chestnut suede shoes and a matching belt.
When you look at yourself in the mirror, you’ll see a new person and you’ll stand out among the masses of navy suits!