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This weekend’s Digi60 is about all things film industry for local filmmakers.

The World Cup has forced me into a hibernation of sorts. I am consumed with the tournament and have turned down various invitations and events to watch the world’s game. After all, it only happens every four years. It takes a special occasion to get me out; the Digi60 Film Festival is such an event.

Digi60 is a non-profit film festival. It has existed for many years and has been a fantastic platform for emerging filmmakers to strengthen their skills. Film professionals have used the festival as a launching pad to go on and find success with wider releases and feature film projects.

The Digi60 Film festival returns this weekend, and I am excited about it. There are several aspects of the festival that make it appealing.

From a film viewer’s perspective, audiences will be treated to many great short films. I have always maintained that while the movies may only be five to fifteen minutes long, it doesn’t mean that script writing, sound, cinematography, etc., aren’t important. In fact, they are even more so as there is a limited time to connect with audiences and tell the stories.

For filmmakers, this is the festival you want to bring your work to. It is a safe environment where you can develop and be supported. Digi60 will provide many great workshops, from working on your pitch to working with producers to an intimacy coordination workshop. If you have filmmaking questions, Digi60 has you covered whether you are in front of or behind the camera.

I recently had the chance to speak with Digi60’s Director of Equity Initiatives, Maissa Houri.

Check out the interview and the Digi60 films festival this weekend, taking place Friday through Sunday.

Click here to see the full festival program.

Watch Keith’s chat with Maissa Houri, Director of Equity Initiatives at Digi60. 

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