Rows and rows of rosé wines appear on the shelves as early as April and are usually gone by thanksgiving. When buying these beautiful bottles, here are four things to remember:
1. This year, look for wines that are either are from 2017 or 2018. The date refer to the year of the harvest. Rosé wines are made to be fresh and vibrant. These characteristics diminish as a wine ages, so the younger the rosé usually the better. The exception to this rule is sparkling rosé which often takes two to three years to make. So when choosing a sparkling wine – rosé or white – don’t be surprised if there is an older date on these special gems.
2. Rosé wines can be made with any grape. Unlike shopping specifically for your favourite grape variety, allow yourself to discover a different style with Rosés. Select based on recommendations, price, colour in the bottle, pro reviews . . . or by the creative label.
3. There are many more rosé wines available than what is available on the LCBO store shelves. In fact, our team of Savvy Sommeliers make shopping for rosé wines easy by curating a different six pack each month . . . and this variety pack can be delivered.
4. Drink the rosé wines you’ve bought this summer by this Christmas. Rosés are not a wine to age, rather they are created to be fresh and enjoyed young.