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WaterH Smart Waterbottle Tracks Your Hydration

Give the gift of hydration this holiday with WaterH Inc.’s smart water bottle that tracks water quality and consumption. The award-winning design not only looks good, but the built-in TDS sensor sends reminders via the Water App to ensure you consume enough water each day. Set up is super easy. Simply download the app, click to pair, tap the top of the WaterH bottle lid, and you are done.

Customize the frequency of reminder notifications, and never again question whether you have drank enough water in a day. Away from your phone? No problem; an LED light on the bottle ensures you get the notification to drink more water while the built-in TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) sensor meter scans your water quality.  No more guessing about water quality based on taste or smell; you can drink with peace of mind knowing you’re hydrating quality water.

Visit to unleash the power of hydration.

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