Who are the Ottawa Police serving and protecting?
Last week, we heard that the Ottawa Police wouldn’t implement a vaccine policy for their officers. Their reason for this was due to a fear of losing frontline staff.
Soon after the announcement, there was public outrage, including from the mayor. On Friday afternoon, Chief Peter Sloly announced a reversal in their decision. OPS would require all officers to be vaccinated.
All is not well, though.
According to the new policy, all officers must be vaccinated by January 31, 2022. This has caused more uproar due to the fact all other city staff are required to be double vaccinated by November 1, 2021, unless they have written proof that they’re exempted due to a medical reason,
So, why the delay, and why should they be given special treatment.
According to Glocester-Southgate Ward city councillor and Chair of the Ottawa Police Services Board, Diane Deans, Police Chief Peter Sloly needs more time to ensure that all members of the OPS are fully vaccinated.
As s person with a disability who’s also considered vulnerable, I don’t agree with allowing the OPS extra time.
The announcement by the city that all staff must be fully vaccinated was made on September 7, 2021. My immediate question is, why didn’t the OPS immediately begin the process of arranging for their staff to get vaccinated?
Aren’t the Police supposed “to serve and protect”?
If you think they don’t do that, I agree with you 100 per cent, and this is just another example.
The other thing that pops into my head is that nearly 84 per cent of its members are vaccinated, according to OPS. If the number is true, it shouldn’t take an additional three months to rally the troops.
Police officers work in our city. They’re in our community and often deal with our most vulnerable, including people with disabilities. With that said, there’s even more reason why they should also be expected to follow the policy made by the city.
I’ve had a few interactions with OPS. As some of my readers know, I use a portable ventilator 24 hours a day. If I were to catch Covid from a police officer, or anyone, the result could be fatal. Also, we can’t forget people who aren’t able to get vaccinated.
It’s up to each one of us, including OPS, to protect those who can’t get vaccinated.
As in most cases, the police once again feel that they deserve special treatment and get away with things.
We’ve also seen plenty of examples of that. No need to rehash the long list.
The OPS don’t seem to have a problem with ticketing, and in some cases, arresting those who refuse to follow provincial guidelines.
For example, last week, a member of the Ottawa Paramedic Service was arrested for forging documents indicating proof of receiving both doses of the Covid vaccine.
That’s a very serious and troubling crime. If you’re in a position of penalizing those refusing to follow Covid guidelines, you should also be subject to the same treatment.
You’re still a person in society regardless if you wear a police badge, an EMT uniform, or not.
Ottawa needs to be like Toronto when it comes to making vaccinations mandatory for its police force. Any officer unable to provide proof of vaccination will be deemed unfit to perform their duties and will be placed on an indefinite unpaid absence and not be permitted to enter TPS facilities.
That was taken from a press release by TPS on October 21, 2021.
Meanwhile, we’re letting the OPS take their time here in Ottawa while putting others at risk.
Nothing to see here, folks. Just another day of being a police officer in Ottawa.
As I’ve said before, the pandemic’s still far from over, even though restaurants are allowed to be at full capacity. Depending on who you talk to, the pandemic never even happened.
Though people are still dying from Covid, and in certain LTC settings in Ottawa, very little has changed.
Yes, a large percentage have been vaccinated. However, as we’ve recently heard, 300 people were either terminated or suspended from the Ottawa Hospital. I feel that a similar thing will happen to city staff following the November 1st deadline for city workers.
Those working for OPS choosing not to get vaccinated will be allowed to come in close contact with you.
Can someone please explain to me how exactly OPS is serving and protecting us?