Women of the world will pedal on Sunday
It is time for the "Fancy Women's Cycling Tour". The tour is organized to make women more visible in society, to allow them to represent themselves, and to reinforce the demand for safe bicycle infrastructure. Women will pedal simultaneously in 200 different cities of Turkey and the world, in the tour to be held on Sunday, September 18.
The Fancy Women's Cycling Tour started in İzmir, Türkiye, in 2013 for the first time. The tour's popularity exceeds the borders with its increasing number of participants annually, bringing all women together on their pedals this year. The date of the event, which will bring women together for the 10th time in Turkey and 200 different cities worldwide, is Sunday, September 18, 2022.
The Fancy Women's Cycling Tour aims to make women more visible in society, allow them to represent themselves, and reinforce the demand for safe bicycle infrastructure. Supported by the Turkish Tourism Promotion and Development Agency (TGA), the forthcoming striking feature of the tour is that all women meet at the meeting points in the cities they live in with colourful outfits and decorated bicycles.
Colourful Enthusiasm in 200 Different Cities
Bringing women together with their bicycles in many cities in Turkey, the Fancy Women's Cycling Tour is organized under the name "Fancy Women Bike Ride" abroad. Including Germany, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Republic of Botswana, Canada, Denmark, France, India, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Montenegro, TRNC, Macedonia, Mexico, Portugal, England, Greece, New Zealand and the USA. The event, which brings women together in 200 cities of different countries, is on the same day this year; It is held on Sunday, September 18, accompanied by decorated bicycles and colourful clothes.
Spread from Izmir to the World
Organized for the first time in 2013 by a group of women in İzmir, the Fancy Women's Cycling Tour grew into an international women's cycling movement with the participation of new cities every year. Organized by the individual initiative of volunteer women, the bike tour has helped thousands of women learn how to ride a bike and incorporate it into their daily lives in many countries, from Italy to Germany and from Canada to Iran. The common wishes of the women who organized and participated in the Fancy Women's Cycling Tour, which received the Special Bicycle Award by the United Nations in 2022, are for women to be visible in society and to protect their right to express themselves freely in every field; Cycling, which is a simple and economical solution to the climate and energy crisis, comes to the fore as it has a safe infrastructure. Especially in our big cities on Sundays, city centres are closed to motor vehicle traffic and declared a "car-free market".
For detailed information about the tour please click: https://www.suslukadinlarbisikletturu.com/en/
In Ottawa, there is currently no FWBR, but don't let that keep you from being fancy, fierce, and fabulous. Decorate your bike and invite friends and family out for a ride; share photos of your experience using #FancyWomenBikeRide.
Photos: Suslu Kadinlar Bisiklet Turu