Title: Listening to Miles Davis and Gil Evans on a January Night Publisher: Silver Bow Publishing PAGES: 126 ASIN: B0D8GGGQ2C Dr. Greg Stidham’s newest poetry…
Kendrick Lamar – GNX Compton, CA All thunder-stealing of Father John Misty aside, it was a wonderful surprise to not only get an unexpected Kendrick…
Molchat Doma (Молчат Дома) – Belaya Polosa, (Белая Полоса) Minsk, Belarus As they expand their sound on each album, Molchat Doma have had to navigate…
Synopsis: TV series based on James Paterson’s Alex Cross novels. Alex Cross uses forensic psychology to analyze killers’ minds, delving into victims’ psyches to identify…
Confidence Man – 3AM (LA LA LA) Brisbane, Australia/London, England While their 2nd LP Tilt embraced 90s pop with everything from house to riot girl,…