Synopsis: A few years after the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, the Tubo army attacked the southwest. Gao Shi, who was trapped in the isolated city, recalled his life with Li Bai to the eunuch of the supervising army.
Junwei Xie, Jing Zou
Writer: Gary Wang
Stars: Tianxiang Yang, Zhenhe Ling, Junquan Wu
The 2023 film Chang’an is an animated historical drama that transports viewers to the Tang Dynasty, a time considered the zenith of Chinese civilization. Directed by Li Zhi, the film explores the complex world of Gao Shi, a military officer trapped in an isolated city, as he reflects on his life and the tumultuous times he lived through—especially his relationship with the famed poet Li Bai.
What sets Chang’an apart from typical historical dramas is its focus on the personal stories behind the most renowned figures of Chinese literature. Rather than simply recounting the events of the Anshi Rebellion, the film intricately weaves the life of Gao Shi with the poetry of Li Bai, creating an atmosphere that is rich in both narrative and culture. The use of flashbacks to Gao’s memories provides a deeply human perspective, revealing the inner struggles and camaraderie among historical figures.
The animated characters in Chang’an are outstanding, particularly from the lead actor, who voices Gao Shi’s internal conflicts with subtlety and power.
The film’s pacing can feel slow at times, but this is intentional, giving room for reflection on the philosophical undercurrents that run through the story. The cinematographic animation is striking, with sweeping depictions of the city of Chang’an—one of the world’s greatest cultural centres during the Tang Dynasty—that enhance the epic scale of the narrative.
For fans of history and those interested in Chinese culture and literature, Chang’an offers a visually stunning and intellectually rich experience. While it may require some patience for those unfamiliar with the Tang Dynasty, it is a rewarding film that brings a fresh perspective to the lives of ancient poets and warriors.
Watch the movie trailer: